ffverse / ffscrapr

R API Client for Fantasy Football League Platforms
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MFL starter_positions should handle RB+WR+TE by separating rows #368

Closed maatspencer closed 2 years ago

maatspencer commented 2 years ago

FF Simulator image image image

FantasyPros image

It seems that for my league: `conn <- mfl_connect(season = 2022, league_id = 27733)

mfl_sim <- ff_simulate(conn = conn, n_seasons = 100) `

It is misinterpreting the starting lineup constraints I think. The weekly scores should be well over 100.

tanho63 commented 2 years ago

Yeah, it's definitely misinterpreting the starting lineup requirements. Did you decide to go to RB+WR+TE with no minimums this year or something?

## A tibble: 2 × 7
#  pos        min   max offense_starters defense_starters kdst_starters
#  <chr>    <int> <int>            <dbl>            <dbl>         <int>
ffverse/ffsimulator#1 QB           0     2                9                0             0
ffverse/ffsimulator#2 RB+WR+TE     0     9                9                0             0
## … with 1 more variable: total_starters <int>
maatspencer commented 2 years ago

Yeah the Tibble preview has is shown correctly. Because its such a crazy league he simplified it to 9 Flex starters and no Mins. Only max is 2 QBs