ffvvc / FFmpeg

VVC Decoder for ffmpeg
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Setup ci for gcov test #208

Open nuomi2021 opened 2 months ago

nuomi2021 commented 2 months ago

Maybe we can use https://github.com/marketplace/actions/gcovr-action to generate code coverage reports for PR.

got something like http://coverage.ffmpeg.org/index.vvc_intra.c.5d0b519a39871515a1754ee8847b6d69.html#l678

frankplow commented 2 months ago

I have an old repo where I set up gcov on GitHub Actions, so I can look at porting it maybe. Would you want to test the coverage of the FATE tests or the ffvvc/tests suite? And where would the results be hosted?

nuomi2021 commented 2 months ago

The fate test. our target is to make sure fate covers 95% of the code and the most important branch.

And where would the results be hosted? All action results will be listed here. https://github.com/ffvvc/FFmpeg/actions You can

  1. push the latest code to ffvvc/up
  2. cherry-pick https://github.com/ffvvc/FFmpeg/pull/202/commits/1a3c60acaacf0a98ba9ce8bdf4cf5461122f52c1
  3. make the change
  4. send pr to ffvvc/up
  5. we can get the result from https://github.com/ffvvc/FFmpeg/actions