ffwff / lilith

x86-64 os made in crystal
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Is this project still up? #38

Open aunetx opened 3 years ago

aunetx commented 3 years ago


I would like to know how if this project is abandoned, or just paused for the moment... I loved this first time I saw it, and would love to see this working again with latest Crystal version, etc!

I sincerely hope you are ok, aunetx

ffwff commented 3 years ago

Hey, I don't know who needs to hear this, so I'll type it out in this issue. I started this after all (shrugs)

Back in high school I was always a good-for-nothing, skillless nobody whose grades were bottom-tier. Being a loser I am, my only skills were surfing English internet and playing around on the computer. I hated studying endlessly just to take tests, I put little-to-no energy in school work, while directing all of my efforts into programming dumb hobby projects that looked cool but ultimately had no real world applications. That was fun for a while.

The scope of my project grew more and more complex, and eventually I made this, an operating system in a scripting language that was only meant for writing web apps. Somehow it got popular. I guess I'm good at programming?

Now, miraculously, I graduated to university. I'm majoring in computer science. Sounds good right?, or so I thought. Turns out I have to learn advanced mathematics, physics (why?!), and on top of that our programming exams are on paper, no documentation or anything. I don't think I'm gonna make it through.

Maybe I'm not fit to do this. That's why I haven't committed anything since last year. Maybe someone will pick up this project, maybe not.

Congratulations to the Crystal team for making it to version 1.1 though.

That's all I have to say.

ffwff commented 3 years ago

If you think talking to strangers on the internet will help cheer me up, sorry. It won't.

I've heard people said that many times. "Oh wow you're so smart!" "What a genius" blah blah. That shit gets old real fast. You said I'm a genius, and yet that is all you've done for me. I still have to go to school or get a job, in a hostile work environment where teachers and bosses keep bossing me around doing useless work because they demand so. I've learned to shut my mouth and shunt my creativity, because that is the best I can do to be a cog in the machine. Of course, I do not live in a western country which values innovation or individuality. It might be different where y'all are but I doubt it.

You techbros keep saying someday, automation will take our jobs and we don't have to work anymore! Utopia is just around the corner! Really? Why do I still have to work 8 hours a day? Why do I have to do things just to get a job when these so-called "robots" can do it better and cheaper. It's all a scam. It's all a lie. If anything life's gotten worst, as the pandemic and climate change rears its ugly head. Who knows, maybe by 2100 we finally go extinct.

I have accepted my fate, as I am Sisyphus, cursed to forever roll that boulder up the hill.

All animals die. That is the circle of life. But only humans get to choose their expiration date.

Maybe mine will come soon.

ffwff commented 3 years ago

Life imitates art. We may not have a quick death by giant Rei, but humans will go extinct because we have grown like cancer upon nature. But oh well, that won't matter, because in the end the barriers between soul will dissolve, as we complete human instrumentality.

stakach commented 3 years ago

Yeah uni sucks, I struggled with calculus, failed that a few times before getting a 50% exactly, I assume someone felt pity - was a tough slog, relatively speaking Hope life picks up for you soon

aeldemery commented 2 years ago

Hope you stop watching too much TV. Also life without faith is unbearable. Maybe this awakening gets you in the right direction.