fgasdia / LongwaveModePropagator.jl

Model the propagation of VLF radio waves in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide.
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Modes not being identifed at low VLF and ELF #68

Closed fgasdia closed 7 months ago

fgasdia commented 7 months ago

For some reason grpf from RootsAndPoles.jl, the mode finder used by LongwaveModePropagator.jl, is not identifying roots and poles at low VLF/ELF frequencies. See the example with a 1 kHz transmitter below.

using Plots

using LongwaveModePropagator
using LongwaveModePropagator: QE, ME
const LMP = LongwaveModePropagator

using RootsAndPoles

tx = Transmitter(1e3)
rx = GroundSampler(0:1e3:2000e3, Fields.Ez)

bfield = BField(5.5e-5, π/2, 0)
electrons = Species(QE, ME, z->waitprofile(z, 83, 0.5), electroncollisionfrequency)
ground = GROUND[3]

waveguide = HomogeneousWaveguide(bfield, electrons, ground)
modeequation = PhysicalModeEquation(tx.frequency, waveguide)

# GRPF `mesh` covers almost the full lower right quadrant of the complex plane
mesh = LMP.defaultmesh(tx.frequency;
    rmin=deg2rad(1), imin=deg2rad(-89), imax=deg2rad(0), rmax=deg2rad(89.9))

roots, poles = LMP.grpf(θ->LMP.solvemodalequation(θ, modeequation;
    susceptibilityfcn=z->LMP.susceptibility(z, modeequation)), mesh, LMPParams().grpfparams)

# Dense mesh
Δr = 0.2
x = 0:Δr:90
y = -90:Δr:0
densemesh = x .+ im*y';

function modeequationphase(me, mesh)
    phase = Vector{Float64}(undef, length(mesh))
    Threads.@threads for i in eachindex(mesh)
        f = LMP.solvemodalequation(deg2rad(mesh[i]), me)
        phase[i] = rad2deg(angle(f))
    return phase

phase = modeequationphase(modeequation, densemesh);

img = heatmap(x, y, reshape(phase, length(x), length(y))';
        color=:twilight, clims=(-180, 180),
        xlims=(0, 90), ylims=(-90, 0),
        xlabel="real(θ)", ylabel="imag(θ)")

plot!(img, real(rad2deg.(roots)), imag(rad2deg.(roots)); color="red",
      seriestype=:scatter, markersize=5, label="roots");
plot!(img, real(rad2deg.(poles)), imag(rad2deg.(poles)); color="red",
      seriestype=:scatter, markershape=:utriangle, markersize=5, labels="poles")

Screenshot 2024-03-30 193429

fgasdia commented 7 months ago

This was due to defaultmesh using a triangle shaped mesh that doesn't include the lower right half of the quadrant. This is for efficiency at higher frequencies, but the whole quadrant needs to be searched at lower frequencies.

I additionally checked to see if topheight of LMPParams() needed to be raised, but even at nighttime, raising topheight makes a very small difference for a 100 Hz ELF transmitter.

using Plots

using LongwaveModePropagator
using LongwaveModePropagator: QE, ME
const LMP = LongwaveModePropagator

using FaradayInternationalReferenceIonosphere
const FIRI = FaradayInternationalReferenceIonosphere

using Interpolations

# Constants
ranges = 0:1e3:2000e3
rx = GroundSampler(ranges, Fields.Ez)
bfield = BField(5.5e-5, π/2, 0)

profile = firi(120, 45)
newprofile = FIRI.extrapolate(profile, 0:1e3:200e3)
itp =  Interpolations.interpolate(0:1e3:200e3, newprofile, FritschButlandMonotonicInterpolation())

electrons = Species(QE, ME, itp, electroncollisionfrequency)
ground = GROUND[5]

waveguide = HomogeneousWaveguide(bfield, electrons, ground)

# Varying topheight

tx = Transmitter(100)

function varytopheight(topheights, waveguide, tx, rx)
    amps = Matrix{Float64}(undef, length(ranges), length(topheights))
    phases = similar(amps)
    for i in eachindex(topheights)
        E, a, p = propagate(waveguide, tx, rx; params=LMPParams(topheight=topheights[i]))

        amps[:,i] = a
        phases[:,i] = p
    return amps, phases

theights = (110e3, 130e3, 150e3, 180e3, 200e3)
amps, phases = varytopheight(theights, waveguide, tx, rx)

plot(rx.distance/1000, amps, labels=[theights...]'/1e3,
    xlabel="range (km)", ylabel="amplitude (dB)", title="top height (km)",
plot(rx.distance/1000, rad2deg.(phases), labels=[theights...]',
    xlabel="range (km)", ylabel="phase (deg)",
    linewidth=1.5, legend=false)

Screenshot 2024-03-31 003659