fgeller / kt

Kafka command line tool that likes JSON
MIT License
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error decoding packet: CRC didn't match #100

Closed giftig closed 5 years ago

giftig commented 5 years ago

While reading from a test topic in a local wurstmeister/kafka docker container:

(kafka) Downloads $ kt consume -topic foo -offsets all=oldest: -verbose
sarama client configuration &sarama.Config{Net:struct { MaxOpenRequests int; DialTimeout time.Duration; ReadTimeout time.Duration; WriteTimeout time.Duration; TLS struct { Enable bool; Config *tls.Config }; SASL struct { Enable bool; Handshake bool; User string; Password string }; KeepAlive time.Duration }{MaxOpenRequests:5, DialTimeout:30000000000, ReadTimeout:30000000000, WriteTimeout:30000000000, TLS:struct { Enable bool; Config *tls.Config }{Enable:false, Config:(*tls.Config)(nil)}, SASL:struct { Enable bool; Handshake bool; User string; Password string }{Enable:false, Handshake:true, User:"", Password:""}, KeepAlive:0}, Metadata:struct { Retry struct { Max int; Backoff time.Duration }; RefreshFrequency time.Duration }{Retry:struct { Max int; Backoff time.Duration }{Max:3, Backoff:250000000}, RefreshFrequency:600000000000}, Producer:struct { MaxMessageBytes int; RequiredAcks sarama.RequiredAcks; Timeout time.Duration; Compression sarama.CompressionCodec; Partitioner sarama.PartitionerConstructor; Return struct { Successes bool; Errors bool }; Flush struct { Bytes int; Messages int; Frequency time.Duration; MaxMessages int }; Retry struct { Max int; Backoff time.Duration } }{MaxMessageBytes:1000000, RequiredAcks:1, Timeout:10000000000, Compression:0, Partitioner:(sarama.PartitionerConstructor)(0x64b6b0), Return:struct { Successes bool; Errors bool }{Successes:false, Errors:true}, Flush:struct { Bytes int; Messages int; Frequency time.Duration; MaxMessages int }{Bytes:0, Messages:0, Frequency:0, MaxMessages:0}, Retry:struct { Max int; Backoff time.Duration }{Max:3, Backoff:100000000}}, Consumer:struct { Retry struct { Backoff time.Duration }; Fetch struct { Min int32; Default int32; Max int32 }; MaxWaitTime time.Duration; MaxProcessingTime time.Duration; Return struct { Errors bool }; Offsets struct { CommitInterval time.Duration; Initial int64; Retention time.Duration } }{Retry:struct { Backoff time.Duration }{Backoff:2000000000}, Fetch:struct { Min int32; Default int32; Max int32 }{Min:1, Default:32768, Max:0}, MaxWaitTime:250000000, MaxProcessingTime:100000000, Return:struct { Errors bool }{Errors:false}, Offsets:struct { CommitInterval time.Duration; Initial int64; Retention time.Duration }{CommitInterval:1000000000, Initial:-1, Retention:0}}, Clie
ntID:"kt-consume-giftiger_wunsch", ChannelBufferSize:256, Version:sarama.KafkaVersion{version:[4]uint{0x0, 0xa, 0x0, 0x0}}, MetricRegistry:(*metrics.StandardRegistry)(0xc420084820)}
2019/04/02 22:01:09 Initializing new client
2019/04/02 22:01:09 client/metadata fetching metadata for all topics from broker localhost:9092
2019/04/02 22:01:09 Connected to broker at localhost:9092 (unregistered)
2019/04/02 22:01:09 client/brokers registered new broker #1001 at localhost:9092
2019/04/02 22:01:09 Successfully initialized new client
2019/04/02 22:01:09 Connected to broker at localhost:9092 (registered as #1001)
2019/04/02 22:01:09 consumer/broker/1001 added subscription to foo/0
2019/04/02 22:01:09 consumer/broker/1001 disconnecting due to error processing FetchRequest: kafka: error decoding packet: CRC didn't match
2019/04/02 22:01:09 Closed connection to broker localhost:9092
2019/04/02 22:01:09 kafka: error while consuming foo/0: kafka: error decoding packet: CRC didn't match

Seems to be an issue in the underlying sarama library, but was fixed last year: https://github.com/Shopify/sarama/pull/1149

I'm using Kafka 2.12-2.1.0 and the latest kt release. I note that your latest release is significantly earlier than the bugfix in sarama, so probably just requires a sarama upgrade.

giftig commented 5 years ago

Actually I notice that d9ec6d updates sarama, so I think it's just a lack of a release that's the problem. I'll close this and raise a separate issue.