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how-to-make-your-react-app-a-progressive-web-app-pwa/ #12

Open utterances-bot opened 3 years ago

utterances-bot commented 3 years ago

How to Make your React App a Progressive Web App (PWA)

Explaining the most important concepts around PWAs followed by a step by step tutorial, using Webpack, Workbox and TypeScript.


IgorSasaki commented 3 years ago

Great tutorial, I learned a lot from the article, but when copying the code from the serviceWorkerWorkbox.ts file it came with error nba line 21

Link: https://prnt.sc/wcby6g

fgerschau commented 3 years ago

Hey @igorSasaki, thanks for the feedback :)

It looks like you've pasted TypeScript code into a JavaScript file. You can fix this by removing : MessageEvent.

IgorSasaki commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the quick response, there is one more error in the same file too, could you help me?

Link: https://prnt.sc/wcdi9u

fgerschau commented 3 years ago

Not sure where the error is here. Feel free to send me an email with more details like the error message for example (send it to me (at) felixgerschau.com)