fgheng / winbar.nvim

winbar config for neovim
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Adding a FOSS license #27

Open ColinKennedy opened 5 months ago

ColinKennedy commented 5 months ago

Hi, I love and use this plug-in every day. It makes so much easier to remember where I am inside of a big file! My workplace is cautious about allowing code without a LICENSE file and it'd be a big help if this plug-in could use a FOSS license. I'm sure others in the same position and would appreciate it too. Could a FOSS license please be added if this plug-in is meant for public use?

shaeinst commented 5 months ago

You can use abstract-winbar. It currently supports excluding filetypes, but I will make it as configurable as possible.

ColinKennedy commented 5 months ago

Thank you for the suggestion. I've avoided nvim-navic (which is apparently a dependency of abstract-winbar) because I frequently don't have LSP support on the files that I'm viewing and would rather rely on tree-sitter. Tree-sitter is more than sufficient for any file that I've thrown at it. If abstract-winbar can use nvim-gps then I'd consider using it

shaeinst commented 5 months ago

nvim-gps is deprecated. depending on it wouldn't be the wise choose

ColinKennedy commented 5 months ago

I appreciate the advice but deprecated doesn't mean broken. As long as it only only means minor alterations occasionally, I would rather use nvim-gps than depend on LSPs. LSPs are great but they struggle to be consistent at these sorts of tasks and aren't always available for use. And FWIW I haven't needed to touch nvim-gps basically at all. It just works

shaeinst commented 5 months ago

i will look at supporting with treesitter (not any soon apparently).