fgilde / MudBlazor.Extensions

MudBlazor.Extensions from https://www.mudex.org is a small extension for MudBlazor from https://mudblazor.com
MIT License
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[Bug]: dialog flashes in middle of screen and reappears with animation #71

Closed PmE8HW0KRfqa closed 7 months ago

PmE8HW0KRfqa commented 7 months ago

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What happened?

When using the below code, a dialog window flashes briefly in the middle of the screen, disappears, and reappears with an animation. The delay before it disappears is longer if the @rendermode InteractiveServer directive is removed. If I click the "Edit Test Button" a second time, the dialog appears as expected (without the flashing behavior).

This is an asp 8.0 application (not WASM).

@rendermode InteractiveServer
@page "/"

@using MudBlazor.Extensions.Options;

@using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations

@inject IJSRuntime Js
@inject IDialogService dialogService;

<MudButton OnClick="@ShowSampleDialog" Variant="Variant.Filled" Color="Color.Primary">Edit Test Object</MudButton>

@code {

    public class TestObject
        public string Value { get; set; } = "Test";
        [Range(1, 100)]
        public int Number { get; set; }

    private async Task ShowSampleDialog()
        DialogOptionsEx dlgOptions = new()
            MaximizeButton = true,
            CloseButton = true,
            FullHeight = false,
            CloseOnEscapeKey = true,
            MaxWidth = MaxWidth.Medium,
            FullWidth = false,
            DragMode = MudDialogDragMode.Simple,
            Animations = new[] { AnimationType.SlideIn },
            DisableSizeMarginY = true,
            DisablePositionMargin = true,
            // ShowAtCursor = true,
            // CursorPositionOrigin = Origin.TopLeft
        var res = await dialogService.EditObject(new TestObject(), "Auto Generated Editor for TestObject", OnSubmit, dlgOptions, meta => meta.WrapEachInMudItem(i => i.xs = 6));
        if (!res.Cancelled)
            await Js.InvokeVoidAsync("alert", "Save");

    private async Task<string> OnSubmit(TestObject value, MudExObjectEditDialog<TestObject> dialog)
        await Task.Delay(2000); // Simulate server save
        if (value.Value == "Test")
            return "'Test' is as Value not allowed or already exists";
        if (value.Value == "Exception")
            throw new Exception("This is a test exception");
        return null;


Expected Behavior

I expect the dialog to slide-in from the top and not briefly flash in the center of the screen.


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What browser are you using?

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Code of Conduct

fgilde commented 7 months ago

Please add the styles then manually to your index.html or _host.cshtml

<link id="mudex-styles" href="_content/MudBlazor.Extensions/mudBlazorExtensions.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

And then please use the config WithoutAutomaticCssLoading on the AddMudExtensions or AddMudServicesWithExtensions service registration method

builder.Services.AddMudServicesWithExtensions(c => c.WithoutAutomaticCssLoading());
PmE8HW0KRfqa commented 7 months ago

@fgilde your fix works as expected. Thank you for the support and wonderful tool.