fgl27 / smarttv-twitch

Twitch client for Samsung Smart TVs 2015 and newer models, in doubt read the README bellow
GNU General Public License v3.0
169 stars 18 forks source link

"Stream has ended" strikes back? #100

Closed aleciogomes closed 3 years ago

aleciogomes commented 4 years ago

Describe what you need. Can't play any type of video, neither live streams or VODs. I've read #68, #84, #67 and #5.

I would like to know if anything can be done or I should just wait to try again another time. (Also tried Google's DNS (

I'm receiving PLAYER_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAILED and PLAYER_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED. Apparently no HTTP errors (40x as seen in other issues).

Additional context

I've managed to get Web Inspector to work, here's the console log (I've outputed two strings to mark my steps)

Main.js:905 Main_Checktylesheet
Main.js:917 Main_Checktylesheet loaded OK
Main.js:156 Main_IsNotBrowser tizen = true
Main.js:189 language is pt-BR
fgl27.github.io/SmartTwitchTV/release/githubio/images/favicon.ico:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
Main.js:213 TVKeyValue_regKey started
Play.js:213 Cannot read property 'setPreviewData' of undefined
webapis.min.js:1 [productinfo.js] getFirmware  begin
webapis.min.js:1 [productinfo.js] getFirmware  end [object Object]
webapis.min.js:1 [productinfo.js] getFirmware message data T-MSMUABC-1351.3
webapis.min.js:1 [productinfo.js] getModel  begin
webapis.min.js:1 [productinfo.js] getModel  end [object Object]
webapis.min.js:1 [productinfo.js] getModel message data QRQ60
Main.js:704 App version: 022120
Main.js:720 Tizen Version: 5.0 | TV: QRQ60 | FW: T-MSMUABC-1351.3
VM53:1 Entering setDisplayRect
VM53:1 adding listener
VM53:1 Entered AVPlayManager.prepareAsync()
"I will open a stream on home"
Main.js:1117 XHR finished loading: GET "https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/streams/26490481?api_version=5".
BasexmlHttpGet @ Main.js:1117
Play_updateStreamInfoStart @ Play.js:527
Play_Start @ Play.js:372
setTimeout (async)
Main_ready @ Main.js:937
Main_openStream @ Main.js:808
Main_OpenLiveStream @ Main.js:798
key_play @ ScreensObj.js:579
Screens_handleKeyUp @ Screens.js:798
Play.js:688 XHR finished loading: GET "https://api.twitch.tv/api/channels/summit1g/access_token?platform=_".
Play_loadDataRequest @ Play.js:688
Play_loadData @ Play.js:632
Play_Start @ Play.js:373
setTimeout (async)
Main_ready @ Main.js:937
Main_openStream @ Main.js:808
Main_OpenLiveStream @ Main.js:798
key_play @ ScreensObj.js:579
Screens_handleKeyUp @ Screens.js:798
Play.js:893 Play_qualityChanged before Play_onPlayer: 


Play.js:969 Play_onPlayer: date: Wed Feb 26 2020 23:02:22 GMT-0300 (GMT-03:00)
Play.js:970 Play_onPlayer: 


VM53:1 Entering setDisplayRect
VM53:1 adding listener
Play.js:996 Before Play_avplay.prepareAsync: date: Wed Feb 26 2020 23:02:22 GMT-0300 (GMT-03:00)
VM53:1 Entered AVPlayManager.prepareAsync()
Play.js:688 XHR finished loading: GET "https://usher.ttvnw.net/api/channel/hls/summit1g.m3u8?&token=%7B%22adblock%22%3Afalse%2C%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22blackout_enabled%22%3Afalse%2C%22channel%22%3A%22summit1g%22%2C%22channel_id%22%3A26490481%2C%22chansub%22%3A%7B%22restricted_bitrates%22%3A%5B%5D%2C%22view_until%22%3A1924905600%7D%2C%22ci_gb%22%3Afalse%2C%22geoblock_reason%22%3A%22%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1582770141%2C%22extended_history_allowed%22%3Afalse%2C%22game%22%3A%22Escape%20From%20Tarkov%22%2C%22hide_ads%22%3Afalse%2C%22https_required%22%3Afalse%2C%22mature%22%3Afalse%2C%22partner%22%3Afalse%2C%22platform%22%3A%22_%22%2C%22player_type%22%3Anull%2C%22private%22%3A%7B%22allowed_to_view%22%3Atrue%7D%2C%22privileged%22%3Afalse%2C%22server_ads%22%3Afalse%2C%22show_ads%22%3Atrue%2C%22subscriber%22%3Afalse%2C%22turbo%22%3Afalse%2C%22user_id%22%3Anull%2C%22user_ip%22%3A%22191.253.120.41%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D&sig=ac8b067eebbeb920abc31e001e10038c3e6904e3&playlist_include_framerate=true&reassignments_supported=true&allow_source=true&fast_bread=true&p=646158472".
Play_loadDataRequest @ Play.js:688
Play_loadData @ Play.js:632
Play_loadDataSuccess @ Play.js:791
Play_loadDataRequest.xmlHttp.onreadystatechange @ Play.js:669
XMLHttpRequest.send (async)
Play_loadDataRequest @ Play.js:688
Play_loadData @ Play.js:632
Play_Start @ Play.js:373
setTimeout (async)
Main_ready @ Main.js:937
Main_openStream @ Main.js:808
Main_OpenLiveStream @ Main.js:798
key_play @ ScreensObj.js:579
Screens_handleKeyUp @ Screens.js:798
Play.js:945 onerror: date: Wed Feb 26 2020 23:02:52 GMT-0300 (GMT-03:00) eventType: PLAYER_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAILED
Play.js:945 onerror: date: Wed Feb 26 2020 23:02:52 GMT-0300 (GMT-03:00) eventType: PLAYER_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED_FILE
webapis.min.js:1 [webapi.js] cbArr length: 1, then remove Callback!
Play.js:945 onerror: date: Wed Feb 26 2020 23:02:52 GMT-0300 (GMT-03:00) eventType: PLAYER_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAILED
Play.js:945 onerror: date: Wed Feb 26 2020 23:02:52 GMT-0300 (GMT-03:00) eventType: PLAYER_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED_FORMAT
Play.js:945 onerror: date: Wed Feb 26 2020 23:02:52 GMT-0300 (GMT-03:00) eventType: PLAYER_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED_FILE
webapis.min.js:1 [webapi.js] cbArr length: 1, then remove Callback!
2Main.js:1117 XHR finished loading: GET "https://tmi.twitch.tv/hosts?include_logins=1&host=26490481".
BasexmlHttpGet @ Main.js:1117
Play_loadDataCheckHost @ Play.js:1930
Play_CheckHostStart @ Play.js:1902
onerror @ Play.js:947
(anonymous) @ VM53:1
(anonymous) @ VM22:1
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ VM22:1
"Now I'll try to load a VOD"
Main.js:1117 XHR finished loading: GET "https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/videos/top?limit=100&broadcast_type=archive&sort=views&offset=0&period=week&api_version=5".
BasexmlHttpGet @ Main.js:1117
Screens_loadDataRequest @ Screens.js:159
Screens_loadDataRequestStart @ Screens.js:145
Screens_StartLoad @ Screens.js:140
Screens_init @ Screens.js:94
Main_Switchobj.(anonymous function) @ Main.js:598
Main_SwitchScreenAction @ Main.js:620
(anonymous) @ Main.js:493
setTimeout (async)
Main_ready @ Main.js:937
Main_SwitchScreen @ Main.js:492
Sidepannel_Go @ Sidepannel.js:193
Sidepannel_KeyEnter @ Sidepannel.js:178
Sidepannel_handleKeyDownMain @ Sidepannel.js:497
PlayVod.js:535 PlayVod_onPlayer: date: Wed Feb 26 2020 23:03:15 GMT-0300 (GMT-03:00)
PlayVod.js:536 PlayVod_onPlayer: 


VM53:1 Entering setDisplayRect
VM53:1 adding listener
VM53:1 Entered AVPlayManager.prepareAsync()
ChatLive.js:119 GET https://api.betterttv.net/2/channels/auronplay 404
ChatLive_loadEmotesChannelRequest @ ChatLive.js:119
ChatLive_loadEmotesChannel @ ChatLive.js:95
Chat_loadBadgesChannelSuccess @ ChatVod.js:130
ChatLive_loadBadgesChannelRequest.xmlHttp.onreadystatechange @ ChatLive.js:59
XMLHttpRequest.send (async)
ChatLive_loadBadgesChannelRequest @ ChatLive.js:67
ChatLive_loadBadgesChannel @ ChatLive.js:45
Chat_Init @ ChatVod.js:45
PlayVod_updateStreamerInfoValues @ PlayVod.js:167
PlayVod_Start @ PlayVod.js:93
setTimeout (async)
Main_ready @ Main.js:937
Main_openVod @ Main.js:883
Main_OpenVod @ Main.js:872
key_play @ ScreensObj.js:232
Screens_handleKeyUp @ Screens.js:798
PlayVod.js:341 XHR finished loading: GET "https://api.twitch.tv/api/vods/556689834/access_token?platform=_".
PlayVod_loadDataRequest @ PlayVod.js:341
PlayVod_loadData @ PlayVod.js:292
PlayVod_PosStart @ PlayVod.js:142
PlayVod_Start @ PlayVod.js:107
setTimeout (async)
Main_ready @ Main.js:937
Main_openVod @ Main.js:883
Main_OpenVod @ Main.js:872
key_play @ ScreensObj.js:232
Screens_handleKeyUp @ Screens.js:798
ChatLive.js:213 GET https://api.frankerfacez.com/v1/room/auronplay 404
ChatLive_loadEmotesChannelffzRequest @ ChatLive.js:213
ChatLive_loadEmotesChannelffz @ ChatLive.js:189
Chat_loadBadgesChannelSuccess @ ChatVod.js:132
ChatLive_loadBadgesChannelRequest.xmlHttp.onreadystatechange @ ChatLive.js:59
XMLHttpRequest.send (async)
ChatLive_loadBadgesChannelRequest @ ChatLive.js:67
ChatLive_loadBadgesChannel @ ChatLive.js:45
Chat_Init @ ChatVod.js:45
PlayVod_updateStreamerInfoValues @ PlayVod.js:167
PlayVod_Start @ PlayVod.js:93
setTimeout (async)
Main_ready @ Main.js:937
Main_openVod @ Main.js:883
Main_OpenVod @ Main.js:872
key_play @ ScreensObj.js:232
Screens_handleKeyUp @ Screens.js:798
ChatLive.js:67 XHR finished loading: GET "https://badges.twitch.tv/v1/badges/channels/459331509/display".
ChatLive_loadBadgesChannelRequest @ ChatLive.js:67
ChatLive_loadBadgesChannel @ ChatLive.js:45
Chat_Init @ ChatVod.js:45
PlayVod_updateStreamerInfoValues @ PlayVod.js:167
PlayVod_Start @ PlayVod.js:93
setTimeout (async)
Main_ready @ Main.js:937
Main_openVod @ Main.js:883
Main_OpenVod @ Main.js:872
key_play @ ScreensObj.js:232
Screens_handleKeyUp @ Screens.js:798
PlayVod.js:341 XHR finished loading: GET "https://usher.ttvnw.net/vod/556689834.m3u8?&nauth=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22chansub%22%3A%7B%22restricted_bitrates%22%3A%5B%5D%7D%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1582840995%2C%22https_required%22%3Afalse%2C%22privileged%22%3Afalse%2C%22user_id%22%3Anull%2C%22version%22%3A2%2C%22vod_id%22%3A556689834%7D&nauthsig=1394c9647bcd8a5f9a50c0088e17f158ce64423f&playlist_include_framerate=true&reassignments_supported=true&allow_source=true&p=218699440".
PlayVod_loadDataRequest @ PlayVod.js:341
PlayVod_loadData @ PlayVod.js:292
PlayVod_loadDataSuccess @ PlayVod.js:409
PlayVod_loadDataRequest.xmlHttp.onreadystatechange @ PlayVod.js:329
XMLHttpRequest.send (async)
PlayVod_loadDataRequest @ PlayVod.js:341
PlayVod_loadData @ PlayVod.js:292
PlayVod_PosStart @ PlayVod.js:142
PlayVod_Start @ PlayVod.js:107
setTimeout (async)
Main_ready @ Main.js:937
Main_openVod @ Main.js:883
Main_OpenVod @ Main.js:872
key_play @ ScreensObj.js:232
Screens_handleKeyUp @ Screens.js:798
ChatLive.js:119 XHR failed loading: GET "https://api.betterttv.net/2/channels/auronplay".
ChatLive_loadEmotesChannelRequest @ ChatLive.js:119
ChatLive_loadEmotesChannel @ ChatLive.js:95
Chat_loadBadgesChannelSuccess @ ChatVod.js:130
ChatLive_loadBadgesChannelRequest.xmlHttp.onreadystatechange @ ChatLive.js:59
XMLHttpRequest.send (async)
ChatLive_loadBadgesChannelRequest @ ChatLive.js:67
ChatLive_loadBadgesChannel @ ChatLive.js:45
Chat_Init @ ChatVod.js:45
PlayVod_updateStreamerInfoValues @ PlayVod.js:167
PlayVod_Start @ PlayVod.js:93
setTimeout (async)
Main_ready @ Main.js:937
Main_openVod @ Main.js:883
Main_OpenVod @ Main.js:872
key_play @ ScreensObj.js:232
Screens_handleKeyUp @ Screens.js:798
ChatLive.js:158 XHR finished loading: GET "https://api.twitch.tv/v5/bits/actions?channel_id=459331509".
ChatLive_loadCheersChannelRequest @ ChatLive.js:158
ChatLive_loadCheersChannel @ ChatLive.js:135
Chat_loadBadgesChannelSuccess @ ChatVod.js:131
ChatLive_loadBadgesChannelRequest.xmlHttp.onreadystatechange @ ChatLive.js:59
XMLHttpRequest.send (async)
ChatLive_loadBadgesChannelRequest @ ChatLive.js:67
ChatLive_loadBadgesChannel @ ChatLive.js:45
Chat_Init @ ChatVod.js:45
PlayVod_updateStreamerInfoValues @ PlayVod.js:167
PlayVod_Start @ PlayVod.js:93
setTimeout (async)
Main_ready @ Main.js:937
Main_openVod @ Main.js:883
Main_OpenVod @ Main.js:872
key_play @ ScreensObj.js:232
Screens_handleKeyUp @ Screens.js:798
ChatVod.js:161 XHR finished loading: GET "https://api.twitch.tv/v5/videos/556689834/comments?client_id=ypvnuqrh98wqz1sr0ov3fgfu4jh1yx".
Chat_loadChatRequest @ ChatVod.js:161
Chat_loadChat @ ChatVod.js:138
Chat_loadBadgesChannelSuccess @ ChatVod.js:133
ChatLive_loadBadgesChannelRequest.xmlHttp.onreadystatechange @ ChatLive.js:59
XMLHttpRequest.send (async)
ChatLive_loadBadgesChannelRequest @ ChatLive.js:67
ChatLive_loadBadgesChannel @ ChatLive.js:45
Chat_Init @ ChatVod.js:45
PlayVod_updateStreamerInfoValues @ PlayVod.js:167
PlayVod_Start @ PlayVod.js:93
setTimeout (async)
Main_ready @ Main.js:937
Main_openVod @ Main.js:883
Main_OpenVod @ Main.js:872
key_play @ ScreensObj.js:232
Screens_handleKeyUp @ Screens.js:798
ChatVod.js:348 XHR finished loading: GET "https://api.twitch.tv/v5/videos/556689834/comments?client_id=ypvnuqrh98wqz1sr0ov3fgfu4jh1yx&cursor=eyJpZCI6IjhlMGVlODAwLWUxY2YtNDUwYy1iMDMxLTgwZjY2YmU2ZGI0MCIsImhrIjoiYnJvYWRjYXN0OjcwMzMyNzQyNSIsInNrIjoiQUFBQUJWUXI1OEFWOWhadldyLXN3QSJ9f".
Chat_loadChatNextRequest @ ChatVod.js:348
Chat_loadChatNext @ ChatVod.js:325
Chat_loadChatSuccess @ ChatVod.js:232
Chat_loadChatRequest.xmlHttp.onreadystatechange @ ChatVod.js:154
XMLHttpRequest.send (async)
Chat_loadChatRequest @ ChatVod.js:161
Chat_loadChat @ ChatVod.js:138
Chat_loadBadgesChannelSuccess @ ChatVod.js:133
ChatLive_loadBadgesChannelRequest.xmlHttp.onreadystatechange @ ChatLive.js:59
XMLHttpRequest.send (async)
ChatLive_loadBadgesChannelRequest @ ChatLive.js:67
ChatLive_loadBadgesChannel @ ChatLive.js:45
Chat_Init @ ChatVod.js:45
PlayVod_updateStreamerInfoValues @ PlayVod.js:167
PlayVod_Start @ PlayVod.js:93
setTimeout (async)
Main_ready @ Main.js:937
Main_openVod @ Main.js:883
Main_OpenVod @ Main.js:872
key_play @ ScreensObj.js:232
Screens_handleKeyUp @ Screens.js:798
ChatLive.js:213 XHR failed loading: GET "https://api.frankerfacez.com/v1/room/auronplay".
ChatLive_loadEmotesChannelffzRequest @ ChatLive.js:213
ChatLive_loadEmotesChannelffz @ ChatLive.js:189
Chat_loadBadgesChannelSuccess @ ChatVod.js:132
ChatLive_loadBadgesChannelRequest.xmlHttp.onreadystatechange @ ChatLive.js:59
XMLHttpRequest.send (async)
ChatLive_loadBadgesChannelRequest @ ChatLive.js:67
ChatLive_loadBadgesChannel @ ChatLive.js:45
Chat_Init @ ChatVod.js:45
PlayVod_updateStreamerInfoValues @ PlayVod.js:167
PlayVod_Start @ PlayVod.js:93
setTimeout (async)
Main_ready @ Main.js:937
Main_openVod @ Main.js:883
Main_OpenVod @ Main.js:872
key_play @ ScreensObj.js:232
Screens_handleKeyUp @ Screens.js:798
PlayVod.js:525 onerror: date: Wed Feb 26 2020 23:03:45 GMT-0300 (GMT-03:00) eventType: PLAYER_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED_FILE
2PlayVod.js:525 onerror: date: Wed Feb 26 2020 23:03:45 GMT-0300 (GMT-03:00) eventType: PLAYER_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAILED
PlayVod.js:525 onerror: date: Wed Feb 26 2020 23:03:45 GMT-0300 (GMT-03:00) eventType: PLAYER_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED_FORMAT
PlayVod.js:525 onerror: date: Wed Feb 26 2020 23:03:45 GMT-0300 (GMT-03:00) eventType: PLAYER_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED_FILE
auto-comment[bot] commented 4 years ago

Thank you for raising a issue.
Make sure you follow the issue templates for yours type of issue see bellow.
Bug report:
Etc issue that doesn't applies to features or bugs:
Feature request new app feature:
Feature request related to a problem:
Issue that don't properly fallow the templates can be close without any treatment.
I have sent an email to @fgl27 he will get back to you as soon as possible.

fgl27 commented 4 years ago

For me is all working.

Did the app ever work on that TV before?

aleciogomes commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply!

It's my first time setup. Just got my new TV, googled for a Twitch client and found your project.

Do you have any clue or any ideia of what I could do to find out the reason behind this?

aleciogomes commented 4 years ago

Another piece of info: twitch on the TV Browser seems to work fine.

fgl27 commented 4 years ago

This seems the same as https://github.com/fgl27/smarttv-twitch/issues/15 The player calls the prepare function Play.js:996 Before Play_avplay.prepareAsync: date: Wed Feb 26 2020 23:02:22 GMT-0300 (GMT-03:00)

After exactly 30 seconds

Play.js:945 onerror: date: Wed Feb 26 2020 23:02:52 GMT-0300 (GMT-03:00) eventType: PLAYER_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAILED

Those generic errors don't help with anything 30s is the time the TV player API hangs until it gives up, wherever is happening on the background from inside Samsung API is not be properly reported, maybe is a network problem maybe a internal codec issue or related issue.

I can't simulate the problem don't have a problematic TV or can help with this...

Check yours network maybe you need to reboot TV and router after change DNS for it to take effect, if that doesn't help some day the TV will receive a firmware update and it will just work. If something change let me know.

aleciogomes commented 4 years ago

I've tried the network related attempts, but received no luck.

You may close this issue. 🤷🏻‍♂️

fgl27 commented 4 years ago

I'll let this open don't worry.

cizaquita commented 4 years ago

Hi @fgl27 ,

I have the same issue.

The live view/page works fine but when I select a Live stream shows "username Live has ended exiting in 3..." after some seconds.

Here is the console log:

Main_Checktylesheet master.js:1 Main_Checktylesheet loaded OK master.js:1 Main_IsNotBrowser tizen = true master.js:1 language is es-MX master.js:1 TVKeyValue_regKey started master.js:1 Cannot read property 'setPreviewData' of undefined webapis.min.js:1 [productinfo.js] getFirmware begin webapis.min.js:1 [productinfo.js] getFirmware end [object Object] webapis.min.js:1 [productinfo.js] getFirmware message data T-KTMUABC-1280.5 webapis.min.js:1 [productinfo.js] getModel begin webapis.min.js:1 [productinfo.js] getModel end [object Object] webapis.min.js:1 [productinfo.js] getModel message data UMU6103 master.js:1 App version: April 30, 2020 VM48:1 Entering setDisplayRect VM48:1 adding listener VM48:1 Entered AVPlayManager.prepareAsync() VM48:1 Entering setDisplayRect VM48:1 adding listener VM48:1 Entered AVPlayManager.prepareAsync() webapis.min.js:1 [webapi.js] cbArr length: 1, then remove Callback! VM48:1 Entering setDisplayRect VM48:1 adding listener VM48:1 Entered AVPlayManager.prepareAsync() webapis.min.js:1 [webapi.js] cbArr length: 1, then remove Callback! VM48:1 Entering setDisplayRect VM48:1 adding listener VM48:1 Entered AVPlayManager.prepareAsync() webapis.min.js:1 [webapi.js] cbArr length: 1, then remove Callback!

Here is the code from webapis.min.js that shows the message:

console.log("[webapi.js] cbArr length: "+cbArr.length+", then remove Callback!");

image image

I hope this can be fixed. Thanks!

fgl27 commented 4 years ago

The app is working for me @cizaquita

fgl27 commented 4 years ago

@cizaquita yours device is the same as the one from the issue https://github.com/fgl27/smarttv-twitch/issues/34

That was closed, it may help, if not post there so I can reopen the issue and deal with the problem there.

To properly log the app you need to install this folder content https://github.com/fgl27/smarttv-twitch/tree/master/app the same way you did with the release zip content.

The release is will not produce any type of logs from the app it self.

In doubt post it on the issue https://github.com/fgl27/smarttv-twitch/issues/34

cizaquita commented 4 years ago

I'm using Debug mode.

I just install that version but still getting the same problem:

This is the log:

Main_Checktylesheet Main.js:916 Main_Checktylesheet reloading Main.js:156 Main_IsNotBrowser tizen = true Main.js:189 language is es-MX https://fgl27.github.io/SmartTwitchTV/release/githubio/images/favicon.ico Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (OK) Main.js:213 TVKeyValue_regKey started Play.js:213 Cannot read property 'setPreviewData' of undefined webapis.min.js:1 [productinfo.js] getFirmware begin webapis.min.js:1 [productinfo.js] getFirmware end [object Object] webapis.min.js:1 [productinfo.js] getFirmware message data T-KTMUABC-1280.5 webapis.min.js:1 [productinfo.js] getModel begin webapis.min.js:1 [productinfo.js] getModel end [object Object] webapis.min.js:1 [productinfo.js] getModel message data UMU6103 Main.js:706 App version: April 30, 2020 Main.js:722 Tizen Version: 3.0 | TV: UMU6103 | FW: T-KTMUABC-1280.5 VM75:1 Entering setDisplayRect VM75:1 adding listener VM75:1 Entered AVPlayManager.prepareAsync() Play.js:898 Play_qualityChanged before Play_onPlayer: https://video-weaver.mia02.hls.ttvnw.net/v1/playlist/Cr8DMFUjWHedaxa5wMf-tE… Play.js:974 Play_onPlayer: date: Sat May 30 2020 01:47:44 GMT-0500 (COT) Play.js:975 Play_onPlayer: https://video-weaver.mia02.hls.ttvnw.net/v1/playlist/Cr8DMFUjWHedaxa5wMf-tE…c2j0cQwQyNbsKUb7w2eMEXcgANEhAZf2u9EoskbhyQ48SVxDz5GgxK2OaJE6Z49GEidOg.m3u8 VM75:1 Entering setDisplayRect VM75:1 adding listener Play.js:1001 Before Play_avplay.prepareAsync: date: Sat May 30 2020 01:47:44 GMT-0500 (COT) VM75:1 Entered AVPlayManager.prepareAsync() Play.js:950 onerror: date: Sat May 30 2020 01:48:15 GMT-0500 (COT) eventType: PLAYER_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAILED webapis.min.js:1 [webapi.js] cbArr length: 1, then remove Callback! Play.js:898 Play_qualityChanged before Play_onPlayer: https://video-weaver.mia02.hls.ttvnw.net/v1/playlist/CsADbCS6KjJr6_ggSavTvu…rOSDH1ZfiGoAlUIYCxOSk3oSKDxIQpOMX71r6o8NIprZQG0bXYBoMeo12oIUQBhPND78Q.m3u8 Play.js:974 Play_onPlayer: date: Sat May 30 2020 01:48:58 GMT-0500 (COT) Play.js:975 Play_onPlayer: https://video-weaver.mia02.hls.ttvnw.net/v1/playlist/CsADbCS6KjJr6_ggSavTvu…rOSDH1ZfiGoAlUIYCxOSk3oSKDxIQpOMX71r6o8NIprZQG0bXYBoMeo12oIUQBhPND78Q.m3u8 VM75:1 Entering setDisplayRect VM75:1 adding listener Play.js:1001 Before Play_avplay.prepareAsync: date: Sat May 30 2020 01:48:58 GMT-0500 (COT) VM75:1 Entered AVPlayManager.prepareAsync() Play.js:950 onerror: date: Sat May 30 2020 01:49:28 GMT-0500 (COT) eventType: PLAYER_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAILED webapis.min.js:1 [webapi.js] cbArr length: 1, then remove Callback!

Any idea? Thanks!

cizaquita commented 4 years ago

Was my DNS configuration, sorry.

Thanks for your help!

aleciogomes commented 4 years ago

@cizaquita how did you managed to solve it?

benceszuhar commented 3 years ago

I still suffer from this, so any solutions ? Samsung UE49KU6500

cizaquita commented 3 years ago

@cizaquita how did you managed to solve it?

Change DNS settings to google DNS, or

Tonsen83 commented 3 years ago

Did anybody else get this error again? I had it happend in the past, then changed the DNS to and it worked until today. This morning all was fine and now: "Stream has ended".

r4inX commented 3 years ago

@Tonsen83 yep I got the same error today, yesterday everything worked fine... Maybe twitch changed something (like their adblock protection)?

zachvlat commented 3 years ago

Did anybody else get this error again? I had it happend in the past, then changed the DNS to and it worked until today. This morning all was fine and now: "Stream has ended".

same here.

fgl27 commented 3 years ago

close the app reopen must work.