fgrehm / vagrant-cachier

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Vagrant up is not creating any cache on a virtual box machine that was created before using Vagrant-Cachier (Mac) #93

Closed seperman closed 10 years ago

seperman commented 10 years ago


I have a couple of VM boxes that were created before I found out about Vagrant Cachier. I just installed vagrant cachier and it does not seem to be creating any cache files. I tried vagrant provision and vagrant reload too but they didn't create any cache either. I will destroy and recreate the box when I have time and will report the results here.

Host OS: Mac OS 10.9.2 VirtualBox 4.3.8 Vagrant 1.4.3 Berkshelf 2.0.14 vagrant-berkshelf (1.3.7) vagrant-bindfs (0.2.4) vagrant-cachier (0.6.0) vagrant-omnibus (1.3.1) vagrant-vbguest (0.10.0)

VagrantFile: https://gist.github.com/erasmose/9539182

Vagrant up --debug output: https://gist.github.com/erasmose/9539192

Also I have set the config.cache.scope = :machine since I was getting the error reported in: https://github.com/fgrehm/vagrant-cachier/issues/86

No cache folder is created in .vagrant as it is written in the docs. Thanks, Eras

fgrehm commented 10 years ago

@erasmose would you be able to create a simple Vagrantfile with vagrant-cachier enabled and bring a VM up from scratch just to make sure it is not some weird conflict with other plugins? Things seem to be working fine for me down here from an Ubuntu host but I'm not sure the host OS is the issue

seperman commented 10 years ago

@fgrehm When I try to make the vagrant up from ground up, I get the permission error: https://github.com/fgrehm/vagrant-cachier/issues/90

fgrehm commented 10 years ago

Sorry but things are working fine for me and I'm not sure what's going on =/

I haven't had a chance to dig into this neither on GH-90 and I probably won't be able investigate this for a while. If someone is able to track down the problem I'd be more than happy to work together towards a solution.

fgrehm commented 10 years ago

@erasmose could you please give another try with the latest vagrant and vagrant-cachier? thanks in advance!

seperman commented 10 years ago

Sure let me test it later today. Thanks!

fgrehm commented 10 years ago

ping @erasmose

seperman commented 10 years ago

Sorry @fgrehm for my late response. I just installed vagrant 1.6.2 and then 1.6.1 and then back to 1.4.3 (Which is what I originally had when I opened the ticket). The reason is that I was getting some Nokogiri error when trying to install any vagrant plugin on vagrant 1.6.2 and 1.6.1: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/vagrant-up/pwWSDnUvOSs Could you list here what version of Vagrant you are using and also your vagrant plugins list + their versions? Also are you on Mac or Linux? I will try to match to your versions and test again. Thanks

fgrehm commented 10 years ago

I'm using Vagrant 1.6.1 on an Ubuntu 14.04 host mostly with vagrant-lxc containers and I remember seeing it working with some VBox 4.3 VM as well but I don't use it very often.

These are the plugins I have in place:

vagrant-cachier (0.7.2)
vagrant-login (1.0.1, system)
vagrant-lxc (1.0.0.alpha.2)
  - Version Constraint: = 1.0.0.alpha.2
vagrant-pristine (0.3.0)
vagrant-share (1.0.1, system)
ventriloquist (0.6.0)

Would you be able to try using the following Vagrantfile to check if it works?

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.vm.box = "<REPLACE-WITH-AN-UBUNTU-BOX>"
  config.cache.scope = :machine
  config.vm.provision :shell, inline: 'apt-get update && apt-get install git -y'
fgrehm commented 10 years ago

Unless someone is up to put a simple vagrantfile that reproduces this issue there's nothing we can do :-( For now I'm going to close this issue as it has been hanging around for a long time already