fgrehm / vagrant-lxc

LXC provider for Vagrant
MIT License
1.21k stars 181 forks source link

Problem with fgrehm/trusty64-lxc init #306

Closed rvanlaar closed 10 years ago

rvanlaar commented 10 years ago


The short error is: There was an error executing lxc-attach. I'm using ubuntu 14.04 as a host and using fgrehm/trusty64-lxc. The same host with fgrehm/precise64-lxc works,

How to reproduce:

vagrant init fgrehm/trusty64-lxc vagrant up --provider=lxc

Here the complete log:

Bringing machine 'default' up with 'lxc' provider...
==> default: Importing base box 'fgrehm/trusty64-lxc'...
==> default: Setting up mount entries for shared folders...
    default: /vagrant => /home/roland/projects/accounting
==> default: Starting container...
==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
 INFO global: Plugins:
 INFO global:   - bundler = 1.5.3
 INFO global:   - json = 1.8.1
 INFO global:   - mime-types = 1.25.1
 INFO global:   - rdoc = 4.1.1
 INFO global:   - rest-client = 1.6.8
 INFO global:   - vagrant-login = 1.0.1
 INFO global:   - vagrant-lxc = 1.0.0.alpha.1
 INFO global:   - vagrant-share = 1.1.0
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/kernel_v1/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: kernel
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/commands/status/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: status command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/commands/help/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: help command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/commands/up/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: up command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/commands/package/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: package command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/commands/plugin/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: plugin command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/commands/list-commands/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: list-commands command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/commands/ssh_config/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: ssh-config command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/commands/reload/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: reload command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/commands/provision/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: provision command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/commands/box/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: box command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/commands/init/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: init command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/commands/halt/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: halt command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/commands/destroy/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: destroy command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/commands/ssh/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: ssh command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/commands/suspend/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: suspend command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/commands/resume/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: resume command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/guests/openbsd/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: OpenBSD guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/guests/debian/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: Debian guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/guests/gentoo/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: Gentoo guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/guests/smartos/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: SmartOS guest.
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/guests/pld/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: PLD Linux guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/guests/esxi/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: ESXi guest.
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/guests/netbsd/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: NetBSD guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/guests/coreos/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: CoreOS guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/guests/darwin/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: Darwin guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/guests/freebsd/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: FreeBSD guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/guests/suse/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: SUSE guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/guests/linux/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: Linux guest.
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/guests/omnios/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: OmniOS guest.
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/guests/ubuntu/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: Ubuntu guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/guests/tinycore/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: TinyCore Linux guest.
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/guests/solaris11/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: Solaris 11 guest.
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/guests/funtoo/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: Funtoo guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/guests/fedora/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: Fedora guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/guests/solaris/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: Solaris guest.
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/guests/arch/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: Arch guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/guests/redhat/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: RedHat guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/communicators/ssh/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: ssh communicator
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/provisioners/docker/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: docker
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/provisioners/puppet/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: puppet
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/provisioners/file/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: file
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/provisioners/salt/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: salt
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/provisioners/shell/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: shell
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/provisioners/cfengine/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: CFEngine Provisioner
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/provisioners/ansible/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: ansible
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/provisioners/chef/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: chef
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/hosts/bsd/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: BSD host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/hosts/gentoo/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: Gentoo host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/hosts/windows/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: Windows host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/hosts/freebsd/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: FreeBSD host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/hosts/slackware/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: Slackware host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/hosts/linux/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: Linux host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/hosts/opensuse/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: OpenSUSE host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/hosts/arch/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: Arch host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/hosts/null/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: null host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/hosts/redhat/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: Red Hat host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/kernel_v2/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: kernel
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/synced_folders/rsync/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: RSync synced folders
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/synced_folders/nfs/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: NFS synced folders
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/synced_folders/smb/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: SMB synced folders
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: VirtualBox provider
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/providers/hyperv/plugin.rb
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: Hyper-V provider
 INFO global: Loading plugins!
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: vagrant-login
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: vagrant-share
 INFO manager: Registered plugin: vagrant-lxc
 INFO vagrant: `vagrant` invoked: ["up", "--provider=lxc"]
DEBUG vagrant: Creating Vagrant environment
 INFO environment: Environment initialized (#<Vagrant::Environment:0x00000001777530>)
 INFO environment:   - cwd: /home/roland/projects/accounting
 INFO environment: Home path: /home/roland/.vagrant.d
 INFO environment: Local data path: /home/roland/projects/accounting/.vagrant
DEBUG environment: Creating: /home/roland/projects/accounting/.vagrant
 INFO environment: Running hook: environment_plugins_loaded
 INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
 INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
 INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000001c375e8>
 INFO environment: Running hook: environment_load
 INFO loader: Set :root = #<Pathname:/home/roland/projects/accounting/Vagrantfile>
DEBUG loader: Populating proc cache for #<Pathname:/home/roland/projects/accounting/Vagrantfile>
DEBUG loader: Load procs for pathname: /home/roland/projects/accounting/Vagrantfile
 INFO loader: Loading configuration in order: [:home, :root]
DEBUG loader: Loading from: root (evaluating)
DEBUG loader: Configuration loaded successfully, finalizing and returning
 INFO host: Autodetecting host type for [#<Vagrant::Environment: /home/roland/projects/accounting>]
DEBUG host: Trying: gentoo
DEBUG host: Trying: freebsd
DEBUG host: Trying: slackware
DEBUG host: Trying: opensuse
DEBUG host: Trying: arch
DEBUG host: Trying: redhat
DEBUG host: Trying: bsd
DEBUG host: Trying: windows
DEBUG host: Trying: linux
 INFO host: Detected: linux!
 INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
 INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
 INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000001cb2ec8>
 INFO cli: CLI: [] "up" ["--provider=lxc", "--"]
DEBUG cli: Invoking command class: VagrantPlugins::CommandUp::Command ["--provider=lxc", "--"]
DEBUG command: 'Up' each target VM...
DEBUG command: Getting target VMs for command. Arguments:
DEBUG command:  -- names: []
DEBUG command:  -- options: {:provider=>"lxc"}
DEBUG command: Loading all machines...
 INFO environment: Getting machine: default (lxc)
 INFO environment: Uncached load of machine.
 INFO loader: Set "16320180_machine_default" = []
 INFO loader: Loading configuration in order: [:home, :root, "16320180_machine_default"]
DEBUG loader: Loading from: root (cache)
DEBUG loader: Configuration loaded successfully, finalizing and returning
 INFO box_collection: Box found: fgrehm/trusty64-lxc (lxc)
 INFO environment: Running hook: authenticate_box_url
 INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
 INFO runner: 2 hooks defined.
 INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x0000000178ddf8>
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Login::ActionAuthenticateBox:0x00000001d07f68>
 INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Login::ActionAuthenticateBox:0x00000001d07f68>
 INFO machine: Initializing machine: default
 INFO machine:   - Provider: Vagrant::LXC::Provider
 INFO machine:   - Box: #<Vagrant::Box:0x00000002923c20>
 INFO machine:   - Data dir: /home/roland/projects/accounting/.vagrant/machines/default/lxc
 INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/sudo", "which", "lxc-create"]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: /usr/bin/lxc-create
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
DEBUG lxc: Instantiating the container for: nil
 INFO command: With machine: default (#<Vagrant::LXC::Provider:0x00000002a0e270 @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000002a0e220 @fullname="vagrant::provider::lxc", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="lxc", @path="vagrant::provider", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000001c04850 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x00000001c41250 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x00000001c411d8>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x00000001c4daf0 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x00000001c04738 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @machine=#<Vagrant::Machine: default (Vagrant::LXC::Provider)>, @shell=#<Vagrant::LXC::SudoWrapper:0x000000011391f0 @wrapper_path=nil, @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000001139150 @fullname="vagrant::lxc::sudo_wrapper", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="sudo_wrapper", @path="vagrant::lxc", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000001c04850 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x00000001c41250 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x00000001c411d8>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x00000001c4daf0 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x00000001c04738 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>>, @driver=#<Vagrant::LXC::Driver:0x000000016bd270 @container_name=nil, @sudo_wrapper=#<Vagrant::LXC::SudoWrapper:0x000000011391f0 @wrapper_path=nil, @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000001139150 @fullname="vagrant::lxc::sudo_wrapper", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="sudo_wrapper", @path="vagrant::lxc", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000001c04850 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x00000001c41250 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x00000001c411d8>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x00000001c4daf0 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x00000001c04738 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>>, @cli=#<Vagrant::LXC::Driver::CLI:0x000000016bd108 @sudo_wrapper=#<Vagrant::LXC::SudoWrapper:0x000000011391f0 @wrapper_path=nil, @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000001139150 @fullname="vagrant::lxc::sudo_wrapper", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="sudo_wrapper", @path="vagrant::lxc", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000001c04850 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x00000001c41250 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x00000001c411d8>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x00000001c4daf0 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x00000001c04738 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>>, @name=nil, @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x000000016bcfc8 @fullname="vagrant::provider::lxc::container::cli", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="cli", @path="vagrant::provider::lxc::container", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000002a0e220 @fullname="vagrant::provider::lxc", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="lxc", @path="vagrant::provider", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000001c04850 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x00000001c41250 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x00000001c411d8>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x00000001c4daf0 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x00000001c04738 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>>, @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000001722080 @fullname="vagrant::provider::lxc::driver", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="driver", @path="vagrant::provider::lxc", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000002a0e220 @fullname="vagrant::provider::lxc", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="lxc", @path="vagrant::provider", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000001c04850 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x00000001c41250 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x00000001c411d8>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x00000001c4daf0 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x00000001c04738 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @customizations=[]>, @cap_logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x0000000176a0d8 @fullname="vagrant::capability_host::vagrant::lxc::provider", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="provider", @path="vagrant::capability_host::vagrant::lxc", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000001c04850 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x00000001c41250 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x00000001c411d8>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x00000001c4daf0 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x00000001c04738 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @cap_host_chain=[[:lxc, #<#<Class:0x0000000176ae98>:0x00000001b0fe18>]], @cap_args=[#<Vagrant::Machine: default (Vagrant::LXC::Provider)>], @cap_caps={:virtualbox=>#<Vagrant::Registry:0x0000000176a8a8 @items={:forwarded_ports=>#<Proc:0x00000001c03798@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb:27>, :public_address=>#<Proc:0x00000001c43ca8@/home/roland/.vagrant.d/gems/gems/vagrant-share-1.1.0/lib/vagrant-share.rb:39>}, @results_cache={}>, :hyperv=>#<Vagrant::Registry:0x0000000176a740 @items={:public_address=>#<Proc:0x00000001c04558@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/providers/hyperv/plugin.rb:25>}, @results_cache={}>, :lxc=>#<Vagrant::Registry:0x0000000176a560 @items={:public_address=>#<Proc:0x00000001c50200@/home/roland/.vagrant.d/gems/gems/vagrant-lxc-1.0.0.alpha.1/lib/vagrant-lxc/plugin.rb:42>}, @results_cache={}>}>)
 INFO interface: info: Bringing machine 'default' up with 'lxc' provider...
 INFO batch_action: Enabling parallelization by default.
 INFO batch_action: Disabling parallelization because only executing one action
 INFO batch_action: Batch action will parallelize: false
 INFO batch_action: Starting action: #<Vagrant::Machine:0x00000001c7b1d0> up {:destroy_on_error=>true, :parallel=>true, :provision_ignore_sentinel=>false, :provision_types=>nil, :provider=>"lxc"}
 INFO machine: Calling action: up on provider LXC (new VM)
 INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
 INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
 INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000001f5f478>
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000001f9c580>
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x00000001f9c558>
 INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
 INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
 INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x000000026cf550>
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::IsState:0x000000026cccd8>
DEBUG is_state: Checking if machine state is 'not_created'
DEBUG is_state: -- Machine state: not_created
 INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::IsState:0x000000026cccd8>
 INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
 INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
 INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Warden:0x0000000273f5d0>
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Proc:0x000000027e6b50@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)>
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::HandleBox:0x0000000273f558>
 INFO handle_box: Machine already has box. HandleBox will not run.
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::LXC::Action::HandleBoxMetadata:0x00000002779e60>
 INFO interface: info: Importing base box 'fgrehm/trusty64-lxc'...
 INFO interface: info: ==> default: Importing base box 'fgrehm/trusty64-lxc'...
 INFO handle_box_metadata: Validating box contents
 INFO handle_box_metadata: Setting box options on environment
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::LXC::Action::Create:0x000000027a0420>
 INFO driver: Copying LXC template into place
 INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/sudo", "cp", "/home/roland/.vagrant.d/gems/gems/vagrant-lxc-1.0.0.alpha.1/scripts/lxc-template", "/usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-vagrant-tmp-accounting_default_1405872081828_93351"]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
 INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/sudo", "chmod", "+x", "/usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-vagrant-tmp-accounting_default_1405872081828_93351"]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
DEBUG driver: Creating container...
 INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/sudo", "lxc-create", "--template", "vagrant-tmp-accounting_default_1405872081828_93351", "--name", "accounting_default_1405872081828_93351", "--", "--tarball", "/home/roland/.vagrant.d/boxes/fgrehm-VAGRANTSLASH-trusty64-lxc/1.1.0/lxc/rootfs.tar.gz", "--config", "/home/roland/.vagrant.d/boxes/fgrehm-VAGRANTSLASH-trusty64-lxc/1.1.0/lxc/lxc-config"]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: Unpacking the rootfs
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 31996
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
 INFO driver: Removing LXC template
 INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/sudo", "rm", "/usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-vagrant-tmp-accounting_default_1405872081828_93351"]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
 INFO machine: New machine ID: "accounting_default_1405872081828_93351"
DEBUG lxc: Instantiating the container for: "accounting_default_1405872081828_93351"
 INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/sudo", "lxc-ls"]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: TMG_default_1398851452019_56845
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
 INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::LXC::Action::Create:0x000000027a0420>
 INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::LXC::Action::HandleBoxMetadata:0x00000002779e60>
 INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::HandleBox:0x0000000273f558>
 INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Proc:0x000000027e6b50@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)>
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000001f9c508>
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x00000001f9c4e0>
 INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
 INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
 INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000001f91bd0>
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::IsState:0x00000001f9e678>
DEBUG is_state: Checking if machine state is 'running'
 INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/sudo", "lxc-info", "--name", "accounting_default_1405872081828_93351"]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: Name:           accounting_default_1405872081828_93351
State:          STOPPED
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
DEBUG is_state: -- Machine state: stopped
 INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::IsState:0x00000001f9e678>
 INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
 INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
 INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Warden:0x00000002751280>
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Proc:0x000000016d4880@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)>
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Provision:0x00000002751208>
 INFO provision: Checking provisioner sentinel if we should run...
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::EnvSet:0x0000000278f210>
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::HandleForwardedPortCollisions:0x0000000278f1e8>
 INFO handle_port_collisions: Detecting any forwarded port collisions...
DEBUG handle_port_collisions: Extra in use: []
DEBUG handle_port_collisions: Remap: {}
DEBUG handle_port_collisions: Repair: true
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::LXC::Action::PrepareNFSValidIds:0x000000027c7188>
 INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/sudo", "lxc-ls"]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: TMG_default_1398851452019_56845
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::SyncedFolderNFS::ActionCleanup:0x000000027fb0c8>
DEBUG host: Searching for cap: nfs_prune
DEBUG host: Checking in: linux
DEBUG host: Found cap: nfs_prune in linux
 INFO nfs: NFS pruning. Valid IDs: ["TMG_default_1398851452019_56845", "aa_default_1405871331337_31785", "accounting_default_1405872043588_5258", "accounting_default_1405872081828_93351", "djangorecipe_default_1399911583461_45243", "exercism_default_1401565329278_17873", "kiesopmaat_default_1402659913613_7619", "regional-dev_default_1402919105696_55258", "regional-merge_default_1399993421145_12625", "regional_default_1404139197167_4305", "site_default_1399105745918_33203", "teamfortress_default_1400227524386_46713", "tmg2_default_1405060773106_22193", "v2_default_1403863120269_33465"]
DEBUG host: Searching for cap: nfs_prune
DEBUG host: Checking in: linux
DEBUG host: Found cap: nfs_prune in linux
 INFO host: Execute capability: nfs_prune [#<Vagrant::Environment: /home/roland/projects/accounting>, #<Vagrant::UI::Prefixed:0x000000029da858 @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x000000029da808 @fullname="vagrant::ui::interface", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="interface", @path="vagrant::ui", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000001c04850 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x00000001c41250 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x00000001c411d8>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x00000001c4daf0 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x00000001c04738 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @opts={}, @prefix=:default, @ui=#<Vagrant::UI::Basic:0x000000017768d8 @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000001776860 @fullname="vagrant::ui::interface", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="interface", @path="vagrant::ui", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000001c04850 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x00000001c41250 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x00000001c411d8>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x00000001c4daf0 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x00000001c04738 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @opts={:color=>:default}, @lock=#<Mutex:0x00000001791db8>>>, ["TMG_default_1398851452019_56845", "aa_default_1405871331337_31785", "accounting_default_1405872043588_5258", "accounting_default_1405872081828_93351", "djangorecipe_default_1399911583461_45243", "exercism_default_1401565329278_17873", "kiesopmaat_default_1402659913613_7619", "regional-dev_default_1402919105696_55258", "regional-merge_default_1399993421145_12625", "regional_default_1404139197167_4305", "site_default_1399105745918_33203", "teamfortress_default_1400227524386_46713", "tmg2_default_1405060773106_22193", "v2_default_1403863120269_33465"]] (linux)
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::SyncedFolderCleanup:0x00000002832d70>
 INFO synced_folder_cleanup: Invoking synced folder cleanup for: lxc
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::SyncedFolders:0x0000000287b570>
 INFO synced_folders: Synced Folder Implementation: lxc
 INFO synced_folders:   - /vagrant: . => /vagrant
 INFO synced_folders: Invoking synced folder prepare for: lxc
 INFO interface: output: Setting up mount entries for shared folders...
 INFO interface: output: ==> default: Setting up mount entries for shared folders...
 INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/sudo", "cat", "/var/lib/lxc/accounting_default_1405872081828_93351/config"]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: # Template used to create this container: /usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-vagrant-tmp-accounting_default_1405872081828_93351
# Parameters passed to the template: --tarball /home/roland/.vagrant.d/boxes/fgrehm-VAGRANTSLASH-trusty64-lxc/1.1.0/lxc/rootfs.tar.gz --config /home/roland/.vagrant.d/boxes/fgrehm-VAGRANTSLASH-trusty64-lxc/1.1.0/lxc/lxc-config
# For additional config options, please look at lxc.container.conf(5)

# Container specific configuration (automatically set)
lxc.rootfs = /var/lib/lxc/accounting_default_1405872081828_93351/rootfs
lxc.utsname = accounting_default_1405872081828_93351

# Network configuration (automatically set)
lxc.network.type = veth
lxc.network.flags = up
lxc.network.link = lxcbr0
lxc.network.hwaddr = 00:16:3e:a2:cc:bb

# vagrant-lxc base box specific configuration
# Default pivot location
lxc.pivotdir = lxc_putold

# Default mount entries
lxc.mount.entry = proc proc proc nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0
lxc.mount.entry = sysfs sys sysfs defaults 0 0

# Default console settings
lxc.devttydir = lxc
lxc.tty = 4
lxc.pts = 1024

# Default capabilities
lxc.cap.drop = sys_module mac_admin mac_override sys_time

# When using LXC with apparmor, the container will be confined by default.
# If you wish for it to instead run unconfined, copy the following line
# (uncommented) to the container's configuration file.
#lxc.aa_profile = unconfined

# To support container nesting on an Ubuntu host while retaining most of
# apparmor's added security, use the following two lines instead.
#lxc.aa_profile = lxc-container-default-with-nesting
#lxc.hook.mount = /usr/share/lxc/hooks/mountcgroups

# Uncomment the following line to autodetect squid-deb-proxy configuration on the
# host and forward it to the guest at start time.
#lxc.hook.pre-start = /usr/share/lxc/hooks/squid-deb-proxy-client

# If you wish to allow mounting block filesystems, then use the following
# line instead, and make sure to grant access to the block device and/or loop
# devices below in lxc.cgroup.devices.allow.
#lxc.aa_profile = lxc-container-default-with-mounting

# Default cgroup limits
lxc.cgroup.devices.deny = a
## Allow any mknod (but not using the node)
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c *:* m
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = b *:* m
## /dev/null and zero
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:3 rwm
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:5 rwm
## consoles
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 5:0 rwm
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 5:1 rwm
## /dev/{,u}random
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:8 rwm
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:9 rwm
## /dev/pts/*
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 5:2 rwm
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 136:* rwm
## rtc
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 254:0 rm
## fuse
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 10:229 rwm
## tun
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 10:200 rwm
## full
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:7 rwm
## hpet
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 10:228 rwm
## kvm
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 10:232 rwm
## To use loop devices, copy the following line to the container's
## configuration file (uncommented).
#lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = b 7:* rwm

# vagrant-lxc container specific configuration
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
DEBUG driver: Guest path doesn't exist, creating: /var/lib/lxc/accounting_default_1405872081828_93351/rootfs/vagrant
 INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/sudo", "mkdir", "-p", "/var/lib/lxc/accounting_default_1405872081828_93351/rootfs/vagrant"]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
 INFO interface: detail: /vagrant => /home/roland/projects/accounting
 INFO interface: detail:     default: /vagrant => /home/roland/projects/accounting
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::LXC::Action::PrepareNFSSettings:0x000000028d42d8>
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::SetHostname:0x00000001138688>
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::LXC::Action::WarnNetworks:0x00000001138660>
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::LXC::Action::ForwardPorts:0x000000011384f8>
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::LXC::Action::Boot:0x000000012ba6a0>
 INFO interface: info: Starting container...
 INFO interface: info: ==> default: Starting container...
 INFO driver: Starting container...
DEBUG driver: Prunning vagrant-lxc customizations
DEBUG sudo_wrapper: Running 'sudo su root -c "sed -e '/^# VAGRANT-BEGIN/,/^# VAGRANT-END/ d' -ibak /var/lib/lxc/accounting_default_1405872081828_93351/config"'
DEBUG sudo_wrapper: Running 'sudo su root -c "echo '# VAGRANT-BEGIN' >> /var/lib/lxc/accounting_default_1405872081828_93351/config"'
DEBUG sudo_wrapper: Running 'sudo su root -c "echo 'lxc.utsname=accounting_default_1405872081828_93351' >> /var/lib/lxc/accounting_default_1405872081828_93351/config"'
DEBUG sudo_wrapper: Running 'sudo su root -c "echo 'lxc.mount.entry=/home/roland/projects/accounting /var/lib/lxc/accounting_default_1405872081828_93351/rootfs/vagrant none bind 0 0' >> /var/lib/lxc/accounting_default_1405872081828_93351/config"'
DEBUG sudo_wrapper: Running 'sudo su root -c "echo '# VAGRANT-END' >> /var/lib/lxc/accounting_default_1405872081828_93351/config"'
 INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/sudo", "lxc-start", "-d", "--name", "accounting_default_1405872081828_93351"]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 31999
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::WaitForCommunicator:0x000000012ba650>
 INFO interface: output: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
 INFO interface: output: ==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
 INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/sudo", "lxc-info", "--name", "accounting_default_1405872081828_93351"]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: Name:           accounting_default_1405872081828_93351
State:          RUNNING
PID:            15655
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: CPU use:        0.16 seconds
BlkIO use:      80.00 KiB
Memory use:     2.20 MiB
Link:           vethYTWYYF
 TX bytes:      90 bytes
 RX bytes:      180 bytes
 Total bytes:   270 bytes
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
 INFO machine: Calling action: fetch_ip on provider LXC (accounting_default_1405872081828_93351)
 INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
 INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
 INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000001cc1400>
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000001ce2510>
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::LXC::Action::FetchIpWithLxcAttach:0x00000001ce24c0>
 INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/sudo", "lxc-attach", "-h"]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: Usage: lxc-attach --name=NAME [-- COMMAND]

Execute the specified COMMAND - enter the container NAME

Options :
  -n, --name=NAME   NAME for name of the container
  -e, --elevated-privileges=PRIVILEGES
                    Use elevated privileges instead of those of the
                    container. If you don't specify privileges to be
                    elevated as OR'd list: CAP, CGROUP and LSM (capabilities,
                    cgroup and restrictions, respectively) then all of them
                    will be elevated.
                    WARNING: This may leak privileges into the container.
                    Use with care.
  -a, --arch=ARCH   Use ARCH for program instead of container's own
  -s, --namespaces=FLAGS
                    Don't attach to all the namespaces of the container
                    but just to the following OR'd list of flags:
                    MOUNT, PID, UTSNAME, IPC, USER or NETWORK.
                    WARNING: Using -s implies -e with all privileges
                    elevated, it may therefore leak privileges into the
                    container. Use with care.
  -R, --remount-sys-proc
                    Remount /sys and /proc if not attaching to the
                    mount namespace when using -s in order to properly
                    reflect the correct namespace context. See the
                    lxc-attach(1) manual page for details.
      --clear-env   Clear all environment variables before attaching.
                    The attached shell/program will start with only
                    container=lxc set.
      --keep-env    Keep all current enivornment variables. This
                    is the current default behaviour, but is likely to
                    change in the future.
  -v, --set-var     Set an additional variable that is seen by the
                    attached program in the container. May be specified
                    multiple times.
      --keep-var    Keep an additional environment variable. Only
                    applicable if --clear-env is specified. May be used
                    multiple times.

Common options :
  -o, --logfile=FILE               Output log to FILE instead of stderr
  -l, --logpriority=LEVEL          Set log priority to LEVEL
  -q, --quiet                      Don't produce any output
  -P, --lxcpath=PATH               Use specified container path
  -?, --help                       Give this help list
      --usage                      Give a short usage message
      --version                    Print the version number

Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional
for any corresponding short options.

See the lxc-attach man page for further information.

DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
 INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/sudo", "lxc-attach", "--name", "accounting_default_1405872081828_93351", "--namespaces", "NETWORK", "--", "/sbin/ip", "-4", "addr", "show", "scope", "global", "eth0"]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
 INFO retryable: Retryable exception raised: #<Vagrant::LXC::Errors::ExecuteError: There was an error executing lxc-attach

For more information on the failure, enable detailed logging by setting
the environment variable VAGRANT_LOG to DEBUG.>
 INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/sudo", "lxc-attach", "--name", "accounting_default_1405872081828_93351", "--namespaces", "NETWORK", "--", "/sbin/ip", "-4", "addr", "show", "scope", "global", "eth0"]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
 INFO retryable: Retryable exception raised: #<Vagrant::LXC::Errors::ExecuteError: There was an error executing lxc-attach

For more information on the failure, enable detailed logging by setting
the environment variable VAGRANT_LOG to DEBUG.>
 INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/sudo", "lxc-attach", "--name", "accounting_default_1405872081828_93351", "--namespaces", "NETWORK", "--", "/sbin/ip", "-4", "addr", "show", "scope", "global", "eth0"]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
 INFO retryable: Retryable exception raised: #<Vagrant::LXC::Errors::ExecuteError: There was an error executing lxc-attach

For more information on the failure, enable detailed logging by setting
the environment variable VAGRANT_LOG to DEBUG.>
 INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/sudo", "lxc-attach", "--name", "accounting_default_1405872081828_93351", "--namespaces", "NETWORK", "--", "/sbin/ip", "-4", "addr", "show", "scope", "global", "eth0"]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
 INFO retryable: Retryable exception raised: #<Vagrant::LXC::Errors::ExecuteError: There was an error executing lxc-attach

For more information on the failure, enable detailed logging by setting
the environment variable VAGRANT_LOG to DEBUG.>
 INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/sudo", "lxc-attach", "--name", "accounting_default_1405872081828_93351", "--namespaces", "NETWORK", "--", "/sbin/ip", "-4", "addr", "show", "scope", "global", "eth0"]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
 INFO retryable: Retryable exception raised: #<Vagrant::LXC::Errors::ExecuteError: There was an error executing lxc-attach

For more information on the failure, enable detailed logging by setting
the environment variable VAGRANT_LOG to DEBUG.>
 INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/sudo", "lxc-attach", "--name", "accounting_default_1405872081828_93351", "--namespaces", "NETWORK", "--", "/sbin/ip", "-4", "addr", "show", "scope", "global", "eth0"]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
 INFO retryable: Retryable exception raised: #<Vagrant::LXC::Errors::ExecuteError: There was an error executing lxc-attach

For more information on the failure, enable detailed logging by setting
the environment variable VAGRANT_LOG to DEBUG.>
 INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/sudo", "lxc-attach", "--name", "accounting_default_1405872081828_93351", "--namespaces", "NETWORK", "--", "/sbin/ip", "-4", "addr", "show", "scope", "global", "eth0"]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
 INFO retryable: Retryable exception raised: #<Vagrant::LXC::Errors::ExecuteError: There was an error executing lxc-attach

For more information on the failure, enable detailed logging by setting
the environment variable VAGRANT_LOG to DEBUG.>
 INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/sudo", "lxc-attach", "--name", "accounting_default_1405872081828_93351", "--namespaces", "NETWORK", "--", "/sbin/ip", "-4", "addr", "show", "scope", "global", "eth0"]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
 INFO retryable: Retryable exception raised: #<Vagrant::LXC::Errors::ExecuteError: There was an error executing lxc-attach

For more information on the failure, enable detailed logging by setting
the environment variable VAGRANT_LOG to DEBUG.>
 INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/sudo", "lxc-attach", "--name", "accounting_default_1405872081828_93351", "--namespaces", "NETWORK", "--", "/sbin/ip", "-4", "addr", "show", "scope", "global", "eth0"]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
 INFO retryable: Retryable exception raised: #<Vagrant::LXC::Errors::ExecuteError: There was an error executing lxc-attach

For more information on the failure, enable detailed logging by setting
the environment variable VAGRANT_LOG to DEBUG.>
 INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/sudo", "lxc-attach", "--name", "accounting_default_1405872081828_93351", "--namespaces", "NETWORK", "--", "/sbin/ip", "-4", "addr", "show", "scope", "global", "eth0"]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
 INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::LXC::Action::FetchIpFromDnsmasqLeases:0x00000001f47918>
 INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/sudo", "cat", "/var/lib/lxc/accounting_default_1405872081828_93351/config"]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: # Template used to create this container: /usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-vagrant-tmp-accounting_default_1405872081828_93351
# Parameters passed to the template: --tarball /home/roland/.vagrant.d/boxes/fgrehm-VAGRANTSLASH-trusty64-lxc/1.1.0/lxc/rootfs.tar.gz --config /home/roland/.vagrant.d/boxes/fgrehm-VAGRANTSLASH-trusty64-lxc/1.1.0/lxc/lxc-config
# For additional config options, please look at lxc.container.conf(5)

# Container specific configuration (automatically set)
lxc.rootfs = /var/lib/lxc/accounting_default_1405872081828_93351/rootfs
lxc.utsname = accounting_default_1405872081828_93351

# Network configuration (automatically set)
lxc.network.type = veth
lxc.network.flags = up
lxc.network.link = lxcbr0
lxc.network.hwaddr = 00:16:3e:a2:cc:bb

# vagrant-lxc base box specific configuration
# Default pivot location
lxc.pivotdir = lxc_putold

# Default mount entries
lxc.mount.entry = proc proc proc nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0
lxc.mount.entry = sysfs sys sysfs defaults 0 0

# Default console settings
lxc.devttydir = lxc
lxc.tty = 4
lxc.pts = 1024

# Default capabilities
lxc.cap.drop = sys_module mac_admin mac_override sys_time

# When using LXC with apparmor, the container will be confined by default.
# If you wish for it to instead run unconfined, copy the following line
# (uncommented) to the container's configuration file.
#lxc.aa_profile = unconfined

# To support container nesting on an Ubuntu host while retaining most of
# apparmor's added security, use the following two lines instead.
#lxc.aa_profile = lxc-container-default-with-nesting
#lxc.hook.mount = /usr/share/lxc/hooks/mountcgroups

# Uncomment the following line to autodetect squid-deb-proxy configuration on the
# host and forward it to the guest at start time.
#lxc.hook.pre-start = /usr/share/lxc/hooks/squid-deb-proxy-client

# If you wish to allow mounting block filesystems, then use the following
# line instead, and make sure to grant access to the block device and/or loop
# devices below in lxc.cgroup.devices.allow.
#lxc.aa_profile = lxc-container-default-with-mounting

# Default cgroup limits
lxc.cgroup.devices.deny = a
## Allow any mknod (but not using the node)
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c *:* m
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = b *:* m
## /dev/null and zero
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:3 rwm
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:5 rwm
## consoles
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 5:0 rwm
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 5:1 rwm
## /dev/{,u}random
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:8 rwm
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:9 rwm
## /dev/pts/*
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 5:2 rwm
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 136:* rwm
## rtc
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 254:0 rm
## fuse
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 10:229 rwm
## tun
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 10:200 rwm
## full
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:7 rwm
## hpet
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 10:228 rwm
## kvm
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 10:232 rwm
## To use loop devices, copy the following line to the container's
## configuration file (uncommented).
#lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = b 7:* rwm

# vagrant-lxc container specific configuration
lxc.mount.entry=/home/roland/projects/accounting /var/lib/lxc/accounting_default_1405872081828_93351/rootfs/vagrant none bind 0 0
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: Attempting to load ip from dnsmasq leases (mac: 00:16:3e:a2:cc:bb)
DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: 1405874936 00:16:3e:e5:98:69 vagrant-base-precise-amd64 *

DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: Ip could not be parsed from dnsmasq leases file
DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: Attempting to load ip from dnsmasq leases (mac: 00:16:3e:a2:cc:bb)
DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: 1405874936 00:16:3e:e5:98:69 vagrant-base-precise-amd64 *

DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: Ip could not be parsed from dnsmasq leases file
DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: Attempting to load ip from dnsmasq leases (mac: 00:16:3e:a2:cc:bb)
DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: 1405874936 00:16:3e:e5:98:69 vagrant-base-precise-amd64 *

DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: Ip could not be parsed from dnsmasq leases file
DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: Attempting to load ip from dnsmasq leases (mac: 00:16:3e:a2:cc:bb)
DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: 1405874936 00:16:3e:e5:98:69 vagrant-base-precise-amd64 *

DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: Ip could not be parsed from dnsmasq leases file
DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: Attempting to load ip from dnsmasq leases (mac: 00:16:3e:a2:cc:bb)
DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: 1405874936 00:16:3e:e5:98:69 vagrant-base-precise-amd64 *

DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: Ip could not be parsed from dnsmasq leases file
DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: Attempting to load ip from dnsmasq leases (mac: 00:16:3e:a2:cc:bb)
DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: 1405874936 00:16:3e:e5:98:69 vagrant-base-precise-amd64 *

DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: Ip could not be parsed from dnsmasq leases file
DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: Attempting to load ip from dnsmasq leases (mac: 00:16:3e:a2:cc:bb)
DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: 1405874936 00:16:3e:e5:98:69 vagrant-base-precise-amd64 *

DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: Ip could not be parsed from dnsmasq leases file
DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: Attempting to load ip from dnsmasq leases (mac: 00:16:3e:a2:cc:bb)
DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: 1405874936 00:16:3e:e5:98:69 vagrant-base-precise-amd64 *

DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: Ip could not be parsed from dnsmasq leases file
DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: Attempting to load ip from dnsmasq leases (mac: 00:16:3e:a2:cc:bb)
DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: 1405874936 00:16:3e:e5:98:69 vagrant-base-precise-amd64 *

DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: Ip could not be parsed from dnsmasq leases file
DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: Attempting to load ip from dnsmasq leases (mac: 00:16:3e:a2:cc:bb)
DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: 1405874936 00:16:3e:e5:98:69 vagrant-base-precise-amd64 *

DEBUG fetch_ip_from_dnsmasq_leases: Ip could not be parsed from dnsmasq leases file
 INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::LXC::Action::FetchIpFromDnsmasqLeases:0x00000001f47918>
ERROR warden: Error occurred: There was an error executing lxc-attach

For more information on the failure, enable detailed logging by setting
the environment variable VAGRANT_LOG to DEBUG.
 INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
 INFO warden: Recovery complete.
 INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
 INFO warden: Recovery complete.
ERROR warden: Error occurred: There was an error executing lxc-attach

For more information on the failure, enable detailed logging by setting
the environment variable VAGRANT_LOG to DEBUG.
 INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
 INFO warden: Recovery complete.
 INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
 INFO warden: Recovery complete.
 INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
 INFO warden: Recovery complete.
 INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
 INFO warden: Recovery complete.
 INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
 INFO warden: Recovery complete.
 INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
 INFO warden: Recovery complete.
 INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
 INFO warden: Recovery complete.
 INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
 INFO warden: Recovery complete.
 INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
 INFO warden: Recovery complete.
 INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
 INFO warden: Recovery complete.
 INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
 INFO warden: Recovery complete.
 INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
 INFO warden: Recovery complete.
 INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
 INFO warden: Recovery complete.
ERROR warden: Error occurred: There was an error executing lxc-attach

For more information on the failure, enable detailed logging by setting
the environment variable VAGRANT_LOG to DEBUG.
 INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
 INFO warden: Recovery complete.
ERROR warden: Error occurred: There was an error executing lxc-attach

For more information on the failure, enable detailed logging by setting
the environment variable VAGRANT_LOG to DEBUG.
 INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
 INFO warden: Calling recover: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x00000001f9c4e0>
 INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
 INFO warden: Recovery complete.
 INFO warden: Calling recover: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x00000001f9c558>
 INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
 INFO warden: Recovery complete.
 INFO warden: Recovery complete.
 INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
 INFO warden: Recovery complete.
 INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
 INFO warden: Recovery complete.
 INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
 INFO warden: Recovery complete.
 INFO environment: Running hook: environment_unload
 INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
 INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
 INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x000000027483d8>
ERROR vagrant: Vagrant experienced an error! Details:
ERROR vagrant: #<Vagrant::LXC::Errors::ExecuteError: There was an error executing lxc-attach

For more information on the failure, enable detailed logging by setting
the environment variable VAGRANT_LOG to DEBUG.>
ERROR vagrant: There was an error executing lxc-attach

For more information on the failure, enable detailed logging by setting
the environment variable VAGRANT_LOG to DEBUG.
ERROR vagrant: /home/roland/.vagrant.d/gems/gems/vagrant-lxc-1.0.0.alpha.1/lib/vagrant-lxc/action/fetch_ip_with_lxc_attach.rb:27:in `block in assigned_ip'
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/lib/vagrant/util/retryable.rb:17:in `retryable'
/home/roland/.vagrant.d/gems/gems/vagrant-lxc-1.0.0.alpha.1/lib/vagrant-lxc/action/fetch_ip_with_lxc_attach.rb:24:in `assigned_ip'
/home/roland/.vagrant.d/gems/gems/vagrant-lxc-1.0.0.alpha.1/lib/vagrant-lxc/action/fetch_ip_with_lxc_attach.rb:14:in `call'
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call'
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/config_validate.rb:25:in `call'
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call'
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/lib/vagrant/action/builder.rb:116:in `call'
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/lib/vagrant/action/runner.rb:69:in `block in run'
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/lib/vagrant/util/busy.rb:19:in `busy'
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/lib/vagrant/action/runner.rb:69:in `run'
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/lib/vagrant/machine.rb:157:in `action'
/home/roland/.vagrant.d/gems/gems/vagrant-lxc-1.0.0.alpha.1/lib/vagrant-lxc/provider.rb:72:in `ssh_info'
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/lib/vagrant/machine.rb:274:in `ssh_info'
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/communicators/ssh/communicator.rb:43:in `block in wait_for_ready'
/opt/vagrant/embedded/lib/ruby/2.0.0/timeout.rb:66:in `timeout'
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/plugins/communicators/ssh/communicator.rb:39:in `wait_for_ready'
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.4/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/wait_for_communicator.rb:16:in `block in call'
 INFO interface: error: There was an error executing lxc-attach

For more information on the failure, enable detailed logging by setting
the environment variable VAGRANT_LOG to DEBUG.
There was an error executing lxc-attach

For more information on the failure, enable detailed logging by setting
the environment variable VAGRANT_LOG to DEBUG.
 INFO interface: Machine: error-exit ["Vagrant::LXC::Errors::ExecuteError", "There was an error executing lxc-attach\n\nFor more information on the failure, enable detailed logging by setting\nthe environment variable VAGRANT_LOG to DEBUG."]
fgrehm commented 10 years ago

Weird, I have been using that box on a 14.04 host as well for a while without any issues.

Would you be able to try building that box from scratch and try again to see if it works? The scripts for building it are available at https://github.com/fgrehm/vagrant-lxc-base-boxes. Thanks in advance!

rvanlaar commented 10 years ago

The issue is gone.

I upgraded from vagrant 1.5.4 to the latest 1.6.3 and from 1.0.0alpha1 to 1.0.0alpha2. This solved the issue.

fgrehm commented 10 years ago

I love issues that are solved with upgrades :) thanks for replying