fgsfdsfgs / sm64-port

PS2, PS3, OG Xbox and DOS ports of sm64-port.
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[PS2] [QUESTION] Could this port be made to run in 240p? #94

Open wolfmanvid01 opened 2 months ago

wolfmanvid01 commented 2 months ago

Could this game be made to run in 240p as the original N64 game was? CRT's that admit only composite video show this resolution way better than 480i, without flicker and very sharp, a bless for the eyes

wolfmanvid01 commented 2 months ago

btw, theres an option in GSM 0.23x that says "NTSC NI to NTSC I field" that shows 240p but it doesnt seem to work with the 480i build when activated

fgsfdsfgs commented 2 months ago

Maybe? Here is the supported mode list. The first two seem like 320x224 and 320x256, but I've never tested them on real hardware, and now I don't have a PS2 to check. It is possible to make it run in 480p if you have a way to get digital output though. You can change these lines from 2 and 0 to 3 and 1 respectively.

wolfmanvid01 commented 1 month ago

Man, i solved it, and It works PERFECT in 240p ntsc (224p in fact), with some minor issues in the texts of the dialogs

The modification u need for 240p ntsc it is this one

{ "240p", GS_MODE_NTSC, GS_NONINTERLACED, GS_FRAME, 652, 224, 320, 224, 2, 0, 0 }

inside static const struct VidMode vid_modes[] thats around the line 31 of src/pc/gfx/gfx_ps2_wapi.c