fgx / crossfeed-dailies

Daily summaries of FlightGear Multiplayer flights
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Dailies Reviewed #9

Open pedromorgan opened 8 years ago

pedromorgan commented 8 years ago

Pete winged and winces..

Lets go back to square #1

And very important to not is that gral as a key member in driving things.. I miss ;-)

pedromorgan commented 8 years ago

Live Realtime for newbie pilot

First step is to connect to the "fgms" ie fly with each other..

normally on a circus in SFO

pedromorgan commented 8 years ago

RealTime data aqqusition

There was a hidden admin port, co this ended up being abused.. and actually using this for aqquring data, over telnet/http in the olde fashinoed was.. as olde hackers do

The fundamental problem here is that u need a spcial kinda machine to "talk" to another server particula with relay and udp..

pedromorgan commented 8 years ago


At some point it came up with @geoffmcl that the idea would be to create a "udp" listeners and ended up with crossfeed. any domain..

And @geoffmcl was clever enough to reliase problem of mmap.flightgear.org and problems..

And geoff created it and worked..

pedromorgan commented 8 years ago

Then gitorious = gitlab, sf is in, and gh is out....

So where is it at now ?

pedromorgan commented 8 years ago


pedromorgan commented 8 years ago


And I end up here again.. http://mpserver15.flightgear.org/modules/fgtracker/

theo-armour commented 8 years ago



All looking good.

Will have my updates up in a few hours...

pedromorgan commented 8 years ago

Waste of Time

So I cant really be bothered to continue with this tracker..

Even suggesting a templating engine end up with it dont work in WebGL.>

So quite frankly I wannt to bow out of this project.. Cos i been here before and its a hostile place.. even suggesting stuff end up pissing one off..

So even years later.. I leave fgms and corssfeed running, and as a SIM online.. its going slow.. becasue that part is missing..

And forever it shall be.. until someone exites me as to why... sorry @geoffmcl @theo-armour Its a pointless task unless we all agree what we ant out of it..

pedromorgan commented 8 years ago

@theo-armour = http://mpserver15.flightgear.org/modules/fgtracker/

theo-armour commented 8 years ago


If it's any consolation, all these scripts have for years obtained their data from freeFlightSim.org





All of them access


pedromorgan commented 8 years ago

Ok sorry.. got a bit emotional last night.. ;-(

But still looking back.. I want to argue and debate how we can make it the ultimate system is my objective..

@theo-armour A lot of these arguments against flightgear and maps are outside our domain... There are lots of arguments all the time to do things.. and we u and me can spend a lot of engergies. upon..

But unless we work at it and find out what the client.pilot wants.. then there is no point

In fact I even thing We need between is to go back to square one as a pilot..

And to do that one need navigation etc...

Otherwise tracks are impossible..

pedromorgan commented 8 years ago

@theo-armour as a team ok..

But this is where it gets pintless unless its official flightear domain..

Honest @gral, @geoffmcl and @pedromorgan spend hours up on map and stuff..

BUT BUT the mailing list at FG run things, so unless we have an idea for it.. and cool.. then fine..

Even me having freeflightsim.org is a dilema.. I want it shared will all as a project built on top of fg.. whilst others send hate mail for me hijacking.. with no reply..

So that is politics.. and as said before.. there are 4 dimensiona to an aircratft.. its width, length, height and mainly politics

So thats where I stand..

After all this is @geoffmcl land with setting up the tracker with HK.. and that was a dead end..

pedromorgan commented 8 years ago

@theo-armour Actually i explain it another way from your first line..

If it's any consolation,

And thats the problem.. with FG, there is no "consolidation" and merging and have options also and make one thing good with a focus..

Thats kinda in a way I am looking forward to "freefligtsim" disstribtion in a way.. and all the stuff on an ISO or CD and aon a PC and then I can go and play..

pedromorgan commented 8 years ago

Ayway. .still gonna be a pain in the ass. .I spend hundredsof hours to make things.. ato no availl unless GOD@s from the newsgroup come down upon

theo-armour commented 8 years ago


It would be really great if you could be a bit more specific about the things you would like to see.

For example, there is no indication if you are talking about 2D or 3D, past data or present data, an online dashboard of who is in the air or a flight simulator in the browser.

clarification on these choices would be great.

Currently I am building for three scenarios:

3G globes: online dashboard that shows you who is in the air and where 3D flatmaps: dashboard with: ILS/STAR etc for SFO and other busy places 3D flat maps: replay flight paths/beginning of flight sim landscape at any location

Here's one of the apps:


It works just fine on my Android phone.

Yes, there's still a lot more to be done - but I don't think you can find a better free open source 3D flight replay script.

pedromorgan commented 8 years ago

Guys = @theo-armour , @geoffmcl

Sorry for winging, and posting stuff.. But that is what we take on the chin.. I experience this daily..

Its a frustration and it has to come out somewhere on a project... and goes both ways...

So what we want is the ultimate system.. for who ??

so as your the guys going with it.. I think again and retract previous statements.. (tired, frustrated+a few beers (no french wine.. waiting for geoff)).. but I do long hours on code.. for RL..

pedromorgan commented 8 years ago

@theo-armour Can we create the "3d.freeflightsim.org" Project/website ...

it will work cool in 3d,an d like google earth..

BUT... some limits.. eg 3d/uk for example would locku into that "view".. so u dont accicentally clikc an icon and go to anrgentina... etc..

The globe for me is pointless, what is more interesting is the terrain and mapping realtime etc into 3d space..

pedromorgan commented 8 years ago

There's the 3d project https://github.com/freeflightsim/fg-3d

the Foxtrox Gander dash three django, two guitars and a trumpet player.. in the back...

theo-armour commented 8 years ago


So do you have any issues with the quality of the landscape here?

Zoom out to get the whole picture

Elevations View Path CSV R4

pedromorgan commented 8 years ago

Stuff landscape..

I never ever wanna get underground... That is daft.. Indeed I would but the max camera "elevation" at 500ft

Are u missing something theo.. Its underground.. Its not a flipping submarine aircraft is it... Dont u get the point that what we want is the terrain Area.. and navigatiting around it

If u want to get credability.. Do this one in 3D ;-)))))))))))))) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_New_Zealand_Flight_901

sorry to nag, in hurry.. and busy RL and need holiday soon and freeeee flyiing time.. yipeee

theo-armour commented 8 years ago


Dont u get the point that what we want is the terrain Area.. and navigating around it

In the 3D world, whether you go through terrain, or crash into the terrain or bounce on the terrain - and so on - is called 'physics.

In the current set of demos no 'physics' are yet in operation. I an currently concentrating on terrain, cameras and flight paths.

In future releases, the physics will be added. These will include interaction with:

So kindly hold on your comments regarding the current lack of physics in the demos until such time as they have been added. You will be informed as and when this happens.

In the mean time, would you kindly respond to the current question: Is the terrain and landscape of in the current demos of reasonable enough quality such that I can move on to other aspects of a simulator - such as physics??

ANZ 901

Got a flight path?


Have fun!