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2016-07-29 ~ Landscapes are cool #36

Closed theo-armour closed 7 years ago

theo-armour commented 8 years ago

VNLK zoomed out

VNLK zoomed in


If images are inserted to issues as IMG tags instead of Markdown format does this help @geoffmcl with his larges images in emails issues?

In any case, you will notice that the terrain is chill.

The links






In all cases, please update 'Map zoom level' to 14 or 15 in order to generate a higher quality overlay.

And, in most cases, you will have to reduce the vertical scale.

And, sorry Pete, you can still fly underground.

There's a ton of issues with each. No need to mention any of the many issues.

Just enjoy looking at the terrain!

geoffmcl commented 8 years ago

Hi Theo,

If this is only about viewing terrain... then yeah, this is cool ;=))

Then forget the rest...

If this is about viewing my last flight, recorded by FGFS playback protocol, in 3D, without re-running FGFS, or using Google Earth kml, then this does not yet do that!

Well, not without a lot of hoop jumping... ;=))

How can we simplify this?

There's a ton of issues with each. No need to mention any of the many issues.

Wow, ok, aside from the fact that it misses my aim, to display a track, be it from a pre-recorded FGFS session, or hopefully say live, from say current crossfeed, then these are perfect... what else can I say?

A simple 3D terrain view... centralised on a pre-recorded, cooked csv track file... great... yahoo...

So eagerly await self improvements... given time, interest, etc...

Re: images in emails/issues

Theo, I have no problem with you adding images to emails/issues... even suggested sometimes it is good, and necessary... but to imbed, either as markdown or img tags, in each new issue, does not seem neccessary... especially since usually the link(s) can show a live example... but really - * no problem * - you like it... so be it...

I can live with anything others produce... if it is helpful... to the cause... and sorry I may offer ideas on how to improve that... but they can be rejected... no problem... no argument required...

So what I want is a playback, in 3D, of my last flight... pure and simple...

Coincidentally, I tried the relatively new Phi user http interface to FGFS... it has a moving 2D OSM map to plot your track... I think that could be in 3D, with all that, that entails... dreams...

We do not seem anywhere near that yet... viewing the terrain is only the first step... no matter how cool it looks...

Regards, Geoff.

theo-armour commented 8 years ago


Sorry for being confusing.

The goal to replay your last flight in 3D is still very much the goal.

I was just trying to inform you that the issues with the flight paths and animations are still huge and not worth commenting on - just for the time being though.

theo-armour commented 7 years ago


Elevations View

This is the latest underpinnings for creating the 3D flightpaths.

It will have CSV and KLM support very soon.

Any thought or comments would be appreciated.

I hope to start send links out to a wider audience as and when its stable

Update: just checking the link. It may need a reload in order to run the very first time. ;-(