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Use of issues, and tag, releases #4

Closed geoffmcl closed 8 years ago

geoffmcl commented 8 years ago

@theo-armour, wow, what an interesting use of issues ;=))

So what are you doing... each improvement, addition, change, ... the final html is a new issue?

And with that new version, a new 2D image added... lots to follow...

No problem... so this is an issue, what is an issue here?

Outstanding issues, that I see -

If you add a tag, like $ git tag R5, and $ git push --tags, that forever records that moment in git history, and allow a git users to, at any time, recover that version... review it... set up to run it... etc...

So my idea, in git at least, is that there is absolutely no necessity to create a new html file name, folders, for the latest... just roll on modifying the last... and push, maybe add comment...

But that is all stupid style... I also have no problem with a new link that points to new R???, or a link to point to that...

This has progressed massively... thanks Theo for your web 3D perspective...

If you want to view the real thing, then found this video, Tecnam P96. Is a runway 35, left, 500 foot circuit, and shows the importance of visual, on ground, clues, and all-around-vision... note frequent left-right quick looks, for orientation..

Onwards, to the better... ;=)) in what ever forum style...

theo-armour commented 8 years ago



From reading your message:

I believe, you think you are waiting for me for data. But I know that I am waiting for you for data. ;-)

Can we try to get to a mutual understanding?

You would like to recreate flying lesson flight paths - going around circuits and doing touch and go landings and so on.

There are a number of methods to create these flight paths

  1. Generating points by algorithm
  2. Generating points by trial and error - as I have been doing up to now
  3. Gathering points generated by by FlightGear sessions

Using #2 sucks and - because of gimbal lock issues because the use of splines to interpolate looks bad.

Using #1 would take a long time because airplane movement heuristics ain't easy stuff.

3 on the other hand seems doable. If you can record flight data ( lat, lon, alt - or whatever you want ) from any point A to any point B then I can build the flight path.

If you supply the data, I will use the data to create the simulation. Any latitudes & longitudes you want. At any time interval you want. 5hz is OK.

And, the nice thing, given you lats and lons I can start to add geography.

But without good flight path data then there will be jerky, sucky movements and so on.

A flight of a few minutes will do. CSV is nice, but I'll take KML if I have tpo

Now, in you message you raise a lot of other interesting points. We will get to these.

But in the absence of a good sample flight path data file from you we won't go far.

Am I being clear?

Probably not. ;-) But let's keep trying to reach an understanding.


geoffmcl commented 8 years ago

@theo-armour this is item 1 from my list

1: real data - delayed, waiting cfm of circuit to use... can not guess this...

I decided not to wait for local flight instructor approval of this as a circuit, but it would certainly pass as a short cross-country VFR flight...

The README-LEIG.md contains some more details of what I add, how generated, etc... but I think for you the main file is LEIG-L1500-cooked-01.csv...

Can not immediately see how to attach my png... out of time tonight, but will try a drag-and-drop later...

Hope this is one step up the ladder ;=))

theo-armour commented 8 years ago

@geoffmcl We should be flying real soon now,

BTW, you can drag and drop images into GitHub issues online pages

geoffmcl commented 8 years ago

@theo-armour trying the drag-and-drop, but work so much in the command prompt these days, often forget these GUI to browser GUI easy transfers...

So next should be the desired 2D xg, informational view...


Yeah, what a simple way to add an image ;=))

It seems it uploaded the png to a github cloud user content, addressed by a, I suppose, a sha1 reference... cool... if you can afford the web space... which I hope is added to our github usage stats... always thank you to GitHub for these great free assets...

But the point is, remember, these are only desired, suggested, POI displays, placards, ... and would seek web ways to implement them for each new airport added...

The next idea is VHSK, where I flew a RL 500 ft, left, circuits, so many times, for my PPL, in a c152, and before that, parachuted from a c182, so the c172p can do the same circuit very easy...

Again because of the mountain right in front, Tai Mo Shan, ... 3,000 ft plus... must smartly turn left on establishing climb...

Again, with 3D terrain, this could look spectacular... but still to be done... fly it... collect raw... run script to produce cooked.... publish...

Looking forward to an update for LEIG ;=))

theo-armour commented 8 years ago

Your data is good. See my status update. Yay, and thanks!

Sorry, I misunderstood that you were waiting for some outside event ( cfm??? ) to happen.

Yeah, what a simple way to add an image ;=))

Yup, and you can do a screen grab and then Control-V as well.

if you can afford the web space... which I hope is added to our github usage stats

1 GB+ per repo. And as many repos as you want. Disk space is no longer an issue.

If you add a tag, like $ git tag R5, and $ git push --tags, that forever records that moment in git history, and allow a git users to, at any time, recover that version... review it... set up to run it... etc... So my idea, in git at least, is that there is absolutely no necessity to create a new html file name, folders, for the latest... just roll on modifying the last... and push, maybe add comment...

Programmers look at code so git tags work. On the other hand, designers look at the web pages/apps.

Find me a quick way to create links to view the web pages / the output of multiple revisions - to be able to compare and contrast visual output - and I'm on board.

But the point is, remember, these are only desired, suggested, POI displays, placards

Added to Road Map

geoffmcl commented 8 years ago

@theo-armour see #5 for some small updates... basically wanted to check the flight in Google Earth without going to all the trouble of re-flying the circuit with FG Multiplayer ON, so I could download the FG Tracker XML, so...

So wrote an xg2xml.pl script, to read the cooked and generate an suitable XML... that worked... and added a png image as scraped from GE...

The main thing about the POI/Placards is you need to advise a way how to include these...

The new 3D flight, #5 R6, looks great ... thanks...

theo-armour commented 8 years ago

The main thing about the POI/Placards is you need to advise a way how to include these...

Can you attach the flight POIs as an extra field to the CSV files?

That way they can be displayed as and when they are relevant.

Location stuff - such as castles etc - could either be is a separate CSV file with notes + lat/lon. Or we could use the Google Maps API to point things out.

Let me know if this is OK. If so we can close this issue...

geoffmcl commented 8 years ago

Hi Theo,

It's tough keeping these threads together, over about the same thing, but this is about adding POIs/pacrards to your html display...

I asked:

The main thing about the POI/Placards is you need to advise a way how to include these...

You replied:

Can you attach the flight POIs as an extra field to the CSV files?

Describe that to me... I do not understand!

To me a CSV file is exactly that, a set of comma separated values... usually a csv file commences with a header line giving titles to the array...

How can a POI, like say the castle be added?

If you can bear with me for a moment, that castle can be simply described by this xg (xgraph) file - in 3D terms, the lack of an altitude simply means the brown polygon mesh needs to be laid on the terrain, and a placard "Castle ... on hill" added -

color brown
anno 1.66967652 41.55539495 Castell de Cabrera, on hill
1.66849425 41.55497105
1.66932909 41.55462301
1.67033873 41.55556423
1.66995789 41.55600767
# close polygon == first point
1.66849425 41.55497105

Yes, we could use "Google Maps API to point things out.", but that has its big problems... like how to name the POI that exists in GM, and what is it going to display? Many questions... seems too out-of-control...

This also has to be generic... next week, month I want to feature a new airport circuit... remember this is about PPL student touch-and-go circuit training... not a general POI travel log of the region...

So I want a way to describe the features that need to be exposed for this specific purpose...

Ok, it seems your #7 and #8 are exploring the Google API... that is fine... that is great... but to me, a little off track... but, hey, everything is worth exploring? it is fun... right?

Theo, I would really prefer a thread where we can discuss this, instead of bouncing issue to issue... sort of as you have new idea...

But, as always, will keep trying to follow ;=))

This is sort of also in reply to #6 - 2D GE, #7 - GDEM service, and #8 - GDEM display...

To me this issue #4 is still a question! Like how to follow this and make sense? So, no I do not think this issue, namely Use of issues,... is closed!

theo-armour commented 8 years ago


Points of Interest

It seems to me that are different types of 'points of Interest'

  1. There those that you insert as comments - as mentioned in your message of 15 April

Ignore the # comment lines, of course... this is - lat,lon,alt,speed

;# on runway, speed 40 kts ;# anno 41.58841468,1.65458904 Runway 17 0 40 41.58841468,1.65458904,0.40 ;# anno 41.58841468,1.65079197 Runway 17 250 80 41.58841468,1.65079197,250,80 ;# anno 41.5429563588446 1.67387784448875 R-TR 500 100 41.5429563588446,1.67387784448875,500,100 ;# anno 1.69565406162373 41.5491956155896 cross ;# anno 1.71743446547134 41.5554307410213 R-TL 41.5554307410213,1.71743446547134,500,100 ;# anno 1.69627651400159 41.5971530558658 downwind '# anno 1.67509129317349 41.6388711688456 R-BL 41.6388711688456,1.67509129317349,500,80 '# anno 1.65328281246059 41.6326361523603 base ;# anno 1.63147853558338 41.6263969925269 R-BR 41.6263969925269,1.63147853558338,250,80 ;# anno 1.64303784239271 41.6036701971992 final 17 ;# 1.67387784448875 41.5429563588446 41.58841468,1.65079197,0,40

  1. There are those that air controller waypoints

I believe you supplied a bunch of these here


But without polyline data

  1. And there are points of interest that are buildings, highways and other man-made stuff

It's type #1 that I thought could be added to the flight path CSV

Type#2 could be in a separate file to be read at load time

Type #3 is a nice can of worms that we can work on after taking care of #1 and #2

And, yes, please do open a POI thread so we can have an ongoing discussion on this particular topic - quite separate from particular script status updates

theo-armour commented 8 years ago


Anything else here to go over?