fharookshaik / fibonacci-series

This repository is to write program the famous Fibonacci series in as many different programming languages as we can.
MIT License
20 stars 101 forks source link

Added Fibonacci In Scheme #77

Closed bettman-latin closed 2 years ago

bettman-latin commented 2 years ago

Good afternoon! For some info, check out the README, I have included some stuff in there.

It is my first time trying to contribute to a project on github, so I am learning as I go along. One thing I noticed is that my scheme_fibonacci file, even though I deleted it from the fibonacci-series folder, still looks like it is there and I can't figure out how to get rid of it. (I want it to only be in the Scheme folder) so if you know how I would go about making those changes it would be greatly appreciated and I'll make the necessary changes.

Since I'm new to this, if there is anything I should be doing differently/you need me to do, I would greatly appreciate the pointers and I would be happy to make any changes/edits that you need.


bettman-latin commented 2 years ago

Well, I just realized that I could have added the test video and the read me file to the pull request instead of adding them to the folder. To be honest, I can't seem to figure out how to delete them, so any help with that would be great. I am attaching the video and the read me to this comment so that they will still be here after deleting them from the folder.



fharookshaik commented 2 years ago

Hi @bettman-latin. It's great to see that you've contributed to this repository. I'm so happy that you've taken the steps without waiting for my reply. I'm extremely grateful for the efforts you've made.