fhdsl / NIH_Data_Sharing

Learn about the new NIH data sharing policy, places where you might want to share your particular kind of data, and how to deal with possible challenges associated with the policy.
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Form feedback goes where? #75

Closed carriewright11 closed 1 year ago

carriewright11 commented 1 year ago

Just wondering how this was set up and how to manage that

carriewright11 commented 1 year ago

From Amy: Do any of these google forms send their outputs to this Slack channel? I thought someone did set that up to work but I'm not sure which forms do this. https://fhdata.slack.com/archives/C041DUC1TUJ

avahoffman commented 1 year ago

The file itself is in the Google Drive (DaSL Public > FH DSL > Feedback for FH DaSL Courses)

The google form sends an email to me and to data at fredhutch.org


@vortexing fyi

vortexing commented 1 year ago
