fhdsl / ottr

Repo for Quarto based Open-source Tools for Training Resources (OTTR)
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Automation #2

Closed cansavvy closed 1 week ago

cansavvy commented 1 month ago

@howardbaek To start getting this repo truly OTTRized we'll need to transfer the files from https://github.com/fhdsl/OTTR_Quarto/tree/main/.github to here.

Then we'll need to go through the workflows and adapt the steps but before I can help you do that I have two questions:

  1. Does quarto render re-render this site or would it be a different command?
  2. What's the easiest way to remove the TOC? We'll need a TOC-less version rendered for Coursera and Leanpub purposes.
howardbaek commented 1 month ago

Have a render toc-less version that doesn't have TOC. We need both copies (so we can put the iframe in coursera/leanpub).

howardbaek commented 1 month ago

@cansavvy @carriewright11

Easiest way to remove TOC and sidebar is to add this field inside _quarto.yml:

    sidebar: false
    toc: false
howardbaek commented 1 month ago

@cansavvy what is the rendering approach that the original OTTR_Template takes?

From https://quarto.org/docs/publishing/ci.html#rendering-for-ci

Screenshot 2024-04-15 at 5 22 55 PM

The first option places minimal requirements on software that needs to be present on the CI server, the second option seems really simple to do with Quarto's ability to freeze computational output, and the third option doesn't seem feasible since each user of ottr will have different dependencies and we can't capture all these dependencies on a CI server.

I just want to stay consistent with what the original OTTR does.

cansavvy commented 1 month ago

OTTR renders everything through CI - that's what we use GitHub actions for.

Folks can render it locally but honestly it's unnecessary and just makes things muddier.

howardbaek commented 1 month ago

So, does the second option, Local Execution with CI Rendering, work?

cansavvy commented 1 month ago

Unlike what is described here we don't use renv to handle our dependencies we use docker to handle our computing environments so everything is pretty tightly enforced.

howardbaek commented 1 month ago

Are you saying that we can go with the third option but, instead of renv, we can use Docker to handle dependencies?

cansavvy commented 1 month ago

I'm a bit confused by your question. Most of the automation you'll need as far as basic quarto rendering should be ready to go by just copying what I have set up for quarto rendering here: https://github.com/fhdsl/OTTR_Quarto/blob/766b7e6ed3166216e611724124354c2b7feacce2/.github/workflows/render-site.yml#L56

But if this doesn't clear things up we should chat so we can figure out what's needed.

howardbaek commented 1 month ago

Quarto has custom GitHub Actions here: https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-actions that I want to use.

I'll setup a time to chat and talk over things.

cansavvy commented 1 month ago

Sounds good! Let's chat.

Meanwhile, what features from the quarto actions are what you want to use with OTTR?

howardbaek commented 1 month ago

I was thinking of these two actions:

cansavvy commented 1 month ago

Can you describe what these actions are doing that makes them something we want to use with OTTR?

cansavvy commented 1 month ago

@howardbaek We figured out a more concrete (but still somewhat amorphous) strategy on our call.

Chunk 1) Go to OTTR_template and make render_type a new option in the config_automation.yml as well as the render-all.yml file. File a pull request here. We want the options to be "quarto" or "rmd" at this point. See file I sent you with the highlighted areas of the render-all.yml file that need changing.

Chunk 2) We'll need to have these changes carried through to the ottrpal package in the render_without_toc function. Here we'll also make a new argument that tells whether its quarto or rmd. Default should be rmd for now so people's repos don't get broken. I will link the branch in ottrpal that has the initial mapping I did to those files to add this argument.

cansavvy commented 1 month ago

Here's that branch @howardbaek https://github.com/jhudsl/ottrpal/tree/cansavvy/quarto

Feel free to bug me (or schedule time with me) about any of this that isn't clear because I know we had to wrap up our call before we really got it figured out.

cansavvy commented 1 month ago

This has turned out to be a trickier thing than I originally thought!

howardbaek commented 1 month ago

Thank you for documenting this. I will bug you if I have a question!

howardbaek commented 1 month ago

I found a very simple way to get rid of TOC and the sidebar (the bar on the left):

quarto::quarto_render(".", metadata = list(sidebar = F, toc = F))
cansavvy commented 1 month ago

I found a very simple way to get rid of TOC and the sidebar (the bar on the left):

quarto::quarto_render(".", metadata = list(sidebar = F, toc = F))

Love it! Very clean!!