fhgr2 / scroll-exporter-templates

Templates for scroll exporter for Confluence.
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Improve layout #26

Closed studermartin closed 5 years ago

studermartin commented 5 years ago
  1. Keep paragraphs together
  2. Keep tables together
  3. No Schusterjunge: if an article has more than one paragraph, prevent page break after a single paragraph
studermartin commented 5 years ago

Sub FixSchusterjunge() Dim curPar As Paragraph Dim lastPar As Paragraph Dim firstParagraphInArticle As Paragraph Dim curArticle As Paragraph Dim curChapter As Paragraph Dim countParagraphsInArticle As Integer Dim pageChapter As Integer Dim pageArticle As Integer Dim pageFirstParagraph As Integer Dim pageSecondParagraph As Integer

pageFirstParagraph = 0
pageSecondParagraph = 0

For Each curPar In ActiveDocument.Sections(4).Range.Paragraphs
    Dim curParText As String

    ' Debug.Print (curPar.Range.Information(wdActiveEndAdjustedPageNumber))
    ' Debug.Print (curPar.Range.text)

    If curPar.style = "Überschrift 1" Then
        ' ToDo
    End If

    If curPar.style = "Überschrift 2" Then
        If (pageSecondParagraph > pageFirstParagraph) Then
            Debug.Print ("Schusterjunge")
            ' Debug.Print (firstParagraphInArticle.Range.text)
            Debug.Print (curArticle.Range.text)
            ' curArticle.Range.InsertBefore ("X")
            Selection.ParagraphFormat.PageBreakBefore = True

            ' Dim rr As Range
            ' Set rr = curArticle.Range
            ' rr.ParagraphStyle.

            ' Selection.Collapse (wdCollapseStart)
            ' Call Selection.MoveLeft(wdCharacter, 1, wdMove)

            ' rr.Collapse (wdCollapseStart)
            ' rr.InsertBefore ("X")

            ' Selection.SetRange (rr)

            ' rr.InsertBreak (wdPageBreak)
            ' curArticle.Range.Collapse(wdCollapseStart).InsertBreak (wdPageBreak)
        End If
        Set curArticle = curPar
        pageArticle = curPar.Range.Information(wdActiveEndAdjustedPageNumber)
        pageFirstParagraph = 0
        pageSecondParagraph = 0
        countParagraphsInArticle = 0
        Set firstParagraphInArticle = Nothing
    End If

    If curPar.style = "Scroll List Number" Or curPar.style = "Standard" Then
        countParagraphsInArticle = countParagraphsInArticle + 1
        If firstParagraphInArticle Is Nothing Then
            Set firstParagraphInArticle = curPar
            pageFirstParagraph = curPar.Range.Information(wdActiveEndAdjustedPageNumber)
            If (pageArticle < pageFirstParagraph) Then
                Selection.ParagraphFormat.PageBreakBefore = True
                Debug.Print ("y3s")

            End If
            If (countParagraphsInArticle = 2) Then
                pageSecondParagraph = curPar.Range.Information(wdActiveEndAdjustedPageNumber)
            End If
        End If

    End If

    Set lastPar = curPar

End Sub

studermartin commented 5 years ago

The settings keep paragraph together may generate the effect that the article stays on the previous page, the rest on the next.