You can use a regex tester (like to see that "urn:oid:2" does not pass this regex, it's invalid. It needs to have at least one period followed by a number.
Our server rejects the create attempt due to the invalid OID, and Crucible is incorrectly failing the test as a result.
When crucible attempts to create an imaging study, it passes us:
"sopClass": "urn:oid:2",
The "sopClass" element is of type oid (
The regex for validating an oid in the spec is (
You can use a regex tester (like to see that "urn:oid:2" does not pass this regex, it's invalid. It needs to have at least one period followed by a number.
Our server rejects the create attempt due to the invalid OID, and Crucible is incorrectly failing the test as a result.