Base is the (a?) top-level abstract StructureDefinition from which all Resources are derived. There's a declaration for it in 4.6, but not in 4.0.
for d in FHIR-definitions-{4.0.1,4.6.0-2da64a0}; do
for p in profiles-{resources,types}.json; do
jq --arg FILE $d/$p '
.entry[].resource |
select(.id=="base" or .id=="Base") |
[$FILE, .id, .resourceType] |
join(" -- ")
' $d/$p ;
done ;
"FHIR-definitions-4.0.1/profiles-resources.json -- base -- CapabilityStatement"
"FHIR-definitions-4.6.0-2da64a0/profiles-resources.json -- base -- CapabilityStatement"
"FHIR-definitions-4.6.0-2da64a0/profiles-types.json -- Base -- StructureDefinition"
Note that base(all lower case) is a CapabilityStatement, not a StructureDefinition.
is the (a?) top-level abstractStructureDefinition
from which all Resources are derived. There's a declaration for it in 4.6, but not in 4.0.Note that
(all lower case) is aCapabilityStatement
, not aStructureDefinition