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Knitron with other Jupyter kernels? #6

Open DrAndiLowe opened 7 years ago

DrAndiLowe commented 7 years ago

Hi Fabian,

You might recall that I contacted you a while ago (to ask for your help with getting knitron setup and working --- thanks again!). I was wondering whether I could bother you again to ask if it is possible for knitron to support other Jupyter kernels? There's a lot of them: https://github.com/ipython/ipython/wiki/IPython-kernels-for-other-languages

Recently I became aware of this: http://tomaugspurger.github.io/intro-stitch.html

It looks very nice, but I prefer the workflow that is facilitated by knitron. To use Tom Augspurger's stitch tool, it seems that I would need to develop my data analysis interactively in a Jupyter/IPython Notebook, add the narrative text, and then export it to a markdown file that I then knit with Tom's tool. Jan Schulz's knitpy tool looks similar, and it appears that other kernels "can potentially be" supported, which I interpret to mean that other kernels are not supported at the moment. I assume that I would do the same with knitpy, in any case; develop the analysis in a Jupyter Notebook, export to markdown and knit. In contrast, with the arrival of Notebooks to RStudio (currently only in preview version), it appears that I could develop my analysis interactively in RStudio, see the results inline, and then knit the final document directly from RStudio by using knitron as the code execution engine. Plus RStudio is a really nice IDE. However, I'm now interested in being able to knit documents using other Jupyter kernels --- actually, just one in particular from the list linked above --- and I was wondering if there was a way to do this. It could be potentially very useful/interesting for the domain in which I work. What do you think?

Best regards,


DrAndiLowe commented 7 years ago

H'mmm... knitron doesn't produce inline output, which would have been nice, but I can live with exporting from a Jupyter Notebook before running knitron.

DrAndiLowe commented 7 years ago

Perhaps nbconvert might handle the case of other kernels? (I'm not a Python expert, sorry.) I found this: http://nbconvert.readthedocs.io/en/latest/execute_api.html http://nbconvert.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config_options.html