fholger / openvr_fsr

Add Image Upscaling via AMD FidelityFX SuperResolution or NVIDIA Image Scaling to SteamVR games
1.69k stars 64 forks source link

openvr_mod.cfg 17.01.2022 #161

Open Eisi1964 opened 1 year ago

Eisi1964 commented 1 year ago

Plugin Fehlermeldung! Was soll ich jetzt machen? Die Log-Datei ist nicht vorhanden. Es liegen auch 2 Dateien, aber mit unterschiedlichem Datum vor. Eine Datei vom 17.01.2022 und eine Datei vom 26.12.2021 vor. Ich weiß nicht warum.

Danke für die Hilfe.

Plugin error message! What should I do now? The log file does not exist. There are also 2 files, but with different date. A file from 17.01.2022 and a file from 26.12.2021 are present. I do not know why.

Thanks for the help.


{ "foveated": { // enable fixed foveated rendering "enabled": true,

// if enabled, will attempt to use variable rate shading
// NOTE: only works on NVIDIA RTX or GTX 16xx cards!
"useVariableRateShading": true,

"innerRadius": 0.6,
"midRadius": 0.8,
"outerRadius": 1.0,

"sharpen": {
    // sharpen the image with NVIDIA's NIS sharpening
    "enabled": true,

    // tune sharpness, values range from 0 to 1
    "sharpness": 0.4,

    // Only apply sharpening to the given radius around the center of the image.
    // Saves a bit of performance.
    "radius": 0.75

// If enabled, will visualize the radius to which sharpening is applied.
// Will also periodically log the GPU cost for image restore and sharpening in the
// current configuration.
"debugMode": false,

"hotkeys": {
  // If enabled, you can change certain settings of the mod on the fly by
  // pressing certain hotkeys. Good to see the visual difference. But you
  // may want to turn off hotkeys during regular play to prevent them from
  // interfering with game hotkeys.
  "enabled": true,

  // if enabled, must also be holding CTRL key to use hotkeys
  "requireCtrl": false,

  // if enabled, must also be holding ALT key to use hotkeys
  "requireAlt": false,

  // if enabled, must also be holding SHIFT key to use hotkeys
  "requireShift": false,

  // Below, you can see what hotkey functions are available and also configure
  // the hotkey for it. To configure the hotkey, you need to use the corresponding
  // virtual key code, which you can look up on this page:
  // https://cherrytree.at/misc/vk.htm

  // toggle fixed foveated rendering on or off (default key: F1 - 112)
  "toggleFFR": 112,

  // toggle debug mode on or off (default key: F2 - 113)
  "toggleDebugMode": 113,

  // decrease sharpness by 0.05 (default key: F3 - 114)
  "decreaseSharpness": 114,

  // increase sharpness by 0.05 (default key: F4 - 115)
  "increaseSharpness": 115,

  // decrease currently selected radius by 0.05 (default key: F5 - 116)
  "decreaseRadius": 116,

  // increase currently selected radius by 0.05 (default key: F6 - 117)
  "increaseRadius": 117,

  // select the inner FFR radius for manipulation (default key: 1 - 49)
  "selectInnerRadius": 49,

  // select the middle FFR radius for manipulation (default key: 2 - 50)
  "selectMidRadius": 50,

  // select the outer FFR radius for manipulation (default key: 3 - 51)
  "selectOuterRadius": 51,

  // select the sharpening radius for manipulation (default key: 4 - 52)
  "selectSharpenRadius": 52,

  // take a screenshot of the final output sent to the HMD (default key: F7 - 118)
  "captureOutput": 118,

  // toggle between variable rate shading (VRS) and radial density masking (RDM)
  // (default key: F8 - 119)
  "toggleUseVRS": 119

} }