Open SirSagrell opened 2 years ago
The log reads as follows:
15:20:33 [6704] ====================== 15:20:33 [6704] VR Performance Toolkit 15:20:33 [6704] ====================== 15:20:33 [6704] Current configuration: 15:20:33 [6704] Upscaling (FSR) is enabled 15:20:33 [6704] * Render scale: 0.9 15:20:33 [6704] * Sharpness: 0.7 15:20:33 [6704] * Radius: 0.6 15:20:33 [6704] * MIP bias: enabled 15:20:33 [6704] Fixed foveated rendering (VRS) is enabled 15:20:33 [6704] * Inner radius: 0.6 15:20:33 [6704] * Mid radius: 0.8 15:20:33 [6704] * Outer radius: 1 15:20:33 [6704] Debug mode is disabled 15:20:33 [6704] Currently active hotkeys: 15:20:33 [6704] * cycleUpscalingMethod 17 113 15:20:33 [6704] * increaseUpscalingRadius 17 114 15:20:33 [6704] * decreaseUpscalingRadius 17 115 15:20:33 [6704] * increaseUpscalingSharpness 17 116 15:20:33 [6704] * decreaseUpscalingSharpness 17 117 15:20:33 [6704] * toggleDebugMode 17 112 15:20:33 [6704] * toggleUpscalingApplyMipBias 17 118 15:20:33 [6704] * toggleFixedFoveated 18 112 15:20:33 [6704] * toggleFFRFavorHorizontal 18 113 15:20:33 [6704] * captureOutput 17 119 15:20:33 [6704] Installing hook for LoadLibraryA from 00007FFD743EF220 to 00007FFD35F0D390 15:20:33 [6704] Installing hook for LoadLibraryExA from 00007FFD743ED610 to 00007FFD35F0D500 15:20:33 [6704] Installing hook for LoadLibraryW from 00007FFD743EE950 to 00007FFD35F0D790 15:20:33 [6704] Installing hook for LoadLibraryExW from 00007FFD743EA050 to 00007FFD35F0D640 15:20:33 [6704] d3d11.dll is loaded in the process, installing hooks... 15:20:33 [6704] Installing hook for D3D11CreateDevice from 00007FFD705F69C0 to 00007FFD35EECBD0 15:20:33 [6704] Installing hook for D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain from 00007FFD705F6B20 to 00007FFD35EED050 15:20:33 [6704] Loading DLL at "C:\\Windows\\system32\\dxgi.dll" 15:20:33 [6704] vrclient_x64.dll is loaded in the process, installing hooks... 15:20:33 [6704] Installing hook for VRClientCoreFactory from 00007FFD206D2CA0 to 00007FFD35EF4CD0 15:20:33 [6704] OpenVR: requested interface IVRClientCore_002 15:20:33 [6704] Installing virtual function hook for IVRClientCore::GetGenericInterface 15:20:33 [6704] Installing virtual function hook for IVRClientCore::Cleanup 15:20:34 [6704] OpenVR: requested interface IVRSystem_015 15:20:34 [6704] Installing virtual function hook for IVRSystem::GetRecommendedRenderTargetSize 15:20:34 [6704] IVRClientCore::Cleanup was called, deleting hooks... 15:20:34 [6704] Removing hook to 00007FFD20670570 15:20:34 [6704] Removing hook to 00007FFD20670490 15:20:34 [6704] Removing hook to 00007FFD2067A3D0 15:20:37 [6704] OpenVR: requested interface IVRClientCore_002 15:20:37 [6704] Installing virtual function hook for IVRClientCore::GetGenericInterface 15:20:37 [6704] Installing virtual function hook for IVRClientCore::Cleanup 15:20:37 [6704] OpenVR: requested interface IVRSystem_015 15:20:37 [6704] Installing virtual function hook for IVRSystem::GetRecommendedRenderTargetSize 15:20:37 [6704] OpenVR: requested interface IVRChaperone_003 15:20:37 [6704] OpenVR: requested interface IVRChaperoneSetup_005 15:20:37 [6704] OpenVR: requested interface IVRCompositor_020 15:20:37 [6704] Installing virtual function hook for IVRCompositor::WaitGetPoses 15:20:37 [6704] Installing virtual function hook for IVRCompositor::PostPresentHandoff 15:20:37 [6704] Installing virtual function hook for IVRCompositor::Submit 15:20:40 [6704] IVRClientCore::Cleanup was called, deleting hooks... 15:20:40 [6704] Removing hook to 00007FFD20670570 15:20:40 [6704] Removing hook to 00007FFD20670490 15:20:40 [6704] Removing hook to 00007FFD20670B30 15:20:40 [6704] Removing hook to 00007FFD2067A3D0 15:20:40 [6704] Removing hook to 00007FFD20670A20 15:20:40 [6704] Removing hook to 00007FFD2066ECE0
The Forest VR is pretty infamous for causing compatibility issues with graphics programs. It's not compatible with OpenVR FSR either.
I also can't get it to work, but the OpenVR FSR one actually worked.
The log reads as follows: