fhormoz / caviar

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Updating Makefile for compatibility with GCC-6.3.0 #10

Closed teaguesterling closed 1 month ago

teaguesterling commented 5 years ago

This fixes a compilation issue that occurs under GCC 6.3.0 on RHEL7 due to a missing flag to include libgfortran. The original error message was:

/usr/bin/ld: .../lapack/gcc/64/3.7.0/liblapack.so(xerbla.o): undefined reference to symbol '_gfortran_transfer_character_write@@GFORTRAN_1.4'
.../lib64/libgfortran.so.3: error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line

After adding the additional -lgfortran flag to the Makefile the application compiles as expected