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Input files - eQTL #16

Open gpwhiz opened 4 years ago

gpwhiz commented 4 years ago
I had couple of quick questions. I found a word doc tutorial from you which mentions which files to use as eQTL input. In your document, you mention that there are two files in the <all.pairs.txt.gz>. But I found there is only a single file, with the following headers gene_id Variant ID tss distance ma_sample ma_count maf pval_nominal slope slope_se

Is this is correct file. The folder GTEx_Analysis_v7_eQTL.tar.gz that has two files and these files are called Tissue.v7.egenes.txt.gz and Tissue.v7.signif_variant_gene_pairs.txt.gz Which files should I be using??

kevinblighe commented 4 years ago

That depends on what analysis you want to conduct.