fhormoz / caviar

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long options don't work #2

Open 0xaf1f opened 6 years ago

0xaf1f commented 6 years ago
$ CAVIAR --help
CAVIAR: invalid option -- '-'
-h, --help                  show this help message and exit 
-o OUTFILE, --out=OUTFILE   specify the output file
-l LDFILE, --ld_file=LDFILE     the ld input file
-z ZFILE, --z_file=ZFILE    the z-score and rsID files
-r RHO, --rho-prob=RHO      set $pho$ probability (default 0.95)
-g GAMMA, --gamma       set $gamma$ the prior of a SNP being causal (default 0.01)
-c causal           set the maximum number of causal SNPs
-f 1                to out the probaility of different number of causal SNP

The help gets printed here anyway because of the usage error, but there shouldn't be an error.

fhormoz commented 5 years ago

Great to let us know. I will try to fix it in the next version.