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Segmentation fault (core dumped) #23

Open jwestmeier opened 3 years ago

jwestmeier commented 3 years ago

I have been trying to set up eCAVIAR and getting it to run on the sample data. Unfortunately, I get an error message that doesn't help much and the website for documentation is not available.

This is the command I used: ./eCAVIAR -z ./sample_data/GWAS.MC.AD.IGAP.stage1.hg19.chr.11.121344805.121517613.CHRPOSREFALT.Z.txt -ld ./sample_data/GWAS.ADGC.MC.AD.IGAP.stage1.hg19.chr.11.121344805.121517613.CHRPOSREFALT.LD.ld -z ./sample_data/eQTL.CARDIOGENICS.MC.AD.IGAP.stage1.hg19.chr.11.121344805.121517613.CHRPOSREFALT.ILMN_1810712.NM_015313.1.ARHGEF12.Z.txt -ld ./sample_data/eQTL.CARDIOGENICS.MC.AD.IGAP.stage1.hg19.chr.11.121344805.121517613.CHRPOSREFALT.LD.ld -f 1 -c 2 -o ./sample_data/Coloc_test

And this is the error I get: @-------------------------------------------------------------@ eCAVIAR! v2.2 10/Apr/2018
(C) 2018 Farhad Hormozdiari, GNU General Public License, v2
For documentation, citation & bug-report instructions:

@-------------------------------------------------------------@ Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Is there any way to find out what the problem is?

fhormoz commented 3 years ago

This generally happen for two reasons:

1) One of the input files have nan. Can you check your Z-score file and LD-file and make sure there is no nan?

2) The number of variants do not match. Can you make sure. you have the same number of line in both Z-score files and the number of rows and columns in the LD file matches as well.


wc -l /sample_data/GWAS.MC.AD.IGAP.stage1.hg19.chr.11.121344805.121517613.CHRPOSREFALT.Z.txt wc -l ./sample_data/GWAS.ADGC.MC.AD.IGAP.stage1.hg19.chr.11.121344805.121517613.CHRPOSREFALT.LD.ld wc -l ./sample_data/eQTL.CARDIOGENICS.MC.AD.IGAP.stage1.hg19.chr.11.121344805.121517613.CHRPOSREFALT.ILMN_1810712.NM_015313.1.ARHGEF12.Z.txt wc -l ./sample_data/eQTL.CARDIOGENICS.MC.AD.IGAP.stage1.hg19.chr.11.121344805.121517613.CHRPOSREFALT.LD.ld awk '{print NF}' ./sample_data/GWAS.ADGC.MC.AD.IGAP.stage1.hg19.chr.11.121344805.121517613.CHRPOSREFALT.LD.ld | sort | uniq awk '{print NF}' ./sample_data/eQTL.CARDIOGENICS.MC.AD.IGAP.stage1.hg19.chr.11.121344805.121517613.CHRPOSREFALT.LD.ld | sort | uniq

all the above commands should give the same output value.

jwestmeier commented 3 years ago

The output of the commands is always the same (75) and the don't contain any NAs. Could there be another reason for the error?

fhormoz commented 3 years ago

It is possible to email me a sample data. My email is farhad.hormozdiari@gmail.com

tingqi commented 2 years ago

I had the same issue when I used the example data. Have you got the solution? @juschroeder. Any comments/suggestions would be appreciated.

Daphne-myue commented 2 years ago

Have you got the solution? I have the same issue even I put only 10 SNPs data with the same lines of .ld/gwas.zscore/*qtl.zscore. Please feel free to contact me if you have any idea. @fhormozdiari @juschroeder

fhormoz commented 2 years ago

Can you make sure your GSL version is 2.6? If you are using GSL 2.6 you can send me an input example. My email is farhad.hormozdiari@gmail.com

hailingfang commented 2 years ago

Hi, I met this problem too when I compile it under centos8. And I compile it under Freebsd 13, and the problem gone.

Update: I update armadillo to 10.7.3 and the problem solved, But I still confuse, and don't know why.