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Service Layer Security #10

Open minicuts opened 9 years ago

minicuts commented 9 years ago

We should use standard Java EE Security anotations. This task is not just implementation. You need to think about at least 2 roles in e-shop and come up with reasonable methods for each role.

minicuts commented 8 years ago

Matej are you going to implement this?

minicuts commented 8 years ago

@martin-kuba Should we use Http basic or forms authentication? Are we going to show that?

minicuts commented 8 years ago

ok this may be action for @petradamek if he decides to include this on 6th lecture

mbriskar commented 8 years ago

@nguyenfilip sorry, didn't see it. I can, but probably only after 10 days (I am going on PTO). Is that OK?

minicuts commented 8 years ago

In ideal case @petradamek will do this. But thanks, we can keep you as a backup