fi3ework / hexo-theme-archer

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fix: abnormal h1 tag rendered in index page excerpt #353

Closed lulu010722 closed 1 year ago

lulu010722 commented 1 year ago

When the h1 tag is too long, it is not correctly shown in the excerpt on index page.





The reason is that in src\scss\_partial\_index-page.scss, it has the following css setting: image

The line-height attribute is fixed, but it is not sufficiently large for h1 tag.

lulu010722 commented 1 year ago

Btw, it seems if I do not upgrade the node packages, the npm run build will generate a LICENSE file that contain some version information of some packages, which is not consistent with the master branch, so I run npm upgrade to upgrade all the related packages.

iiiinoint commented 8 months ago

hello 请问一下我的主页对于文章都没有渲染显得很不好看,请问这个在哪里设置