fiatjaf / njump

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njump on Umbrel app store ? #37

Open anthony-robin opened 8 months ago

anthony-robin commented 8 months ago

I would love to see njump web app been integrated in the Umbrel app store as self hosted app as it would be a good improvment for privacy regarding (IP address for example).

What do you think about this idea ? Is it something you have already considered ?

Thank you :)

fiatjaf commented 8 months ago

I have thought about putting stuff on the Umbrel App Store in the past, but it's way too cumbersome for me. I hate the Docker thing and I never managed to learn how to set up a development Umbrel environment. So I won't do it, but would be nice if someone else did.

anthony-robin commented 8 months ago

Do you think Kieran could be any help on this task ? (as he submitted Snort to the app store, maybe his experience could be a good starting point)

If not I will open an "App request" issue directly to Umbrel repo to see if someone that has figured out how to dockerize apps is interested to integrate it to Umbrel store ^^

Thank you :)

anthony-robin commented 8 months ago : Here is the Umbrel app request for reference ;)