fiatjaf / nos2x

nostr signer extension
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dismiss all pending dialog requests #3

Open eskema opened 2 years ago

eskema commented 2 years ago

right now, everytime there's a window.nostr.nip04.decrypt, it opens a dialog and we have to go one by one. It would be better to have an option to act on all requests at once, otherwise, this can be very painful in the future if there's a high number of messages to decrypt.

Giszmo commented 2 years ago

There is a button "forever" but it doesn't prevent a popup-flood the next time around, so I'm not sure what it does. Or maybe the plugin falls victim to my "delete all cookies when I close the browser" setting?

monlovesmango commented 1 year ago

I think this happened if you didn't already have a permissions object saved and you try to set permissions for new host. just ran into this and making pr now.

as far as 'forever' is concerned, you can only have one permission at a time per host it seems. is of you say authorize reading pubkey forever, but then say authorize decrypting messages for 5 min, the later permission will overwrite the former.

@fiatjaf would you be interested in me updating permissions to be level specific per host?

monlovesmango commented 1 year ago

@eskema can you confirm this is fixed for you now? if so should we close this issue? make sure your nos2x extension is updated to 1.5.2

eskema commented 1 year ago

I did a quick test, and I still get one dialog popup per message on the first run.

monlovesmango commented 1 year ago

you using firefox or chrome? works for me on chrome.

monlovesmango commented 1 year ago

@eskema are you still experiencing this? I haven't had it happen since the fix.

eskema commented 1 year ago

@eskema are you still experiencing this? I haven't had it happen since the fix.

I haven't been messing with kind-4 so don't really know if it's resolved.. feel free to close this if you think it's resolved, as I don't think i'll use the same method anyway and I should be able to avoid this even if not resolved..

fiatjaf commented 1 year ago

It is not resolved.