fiboa / ai-ecosystem-extension

Extension for properties needed for fiboa to interface with AI ecosystem
Apache License 2.0
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first release #6

Closed m-mohr closed 4 months ago

m-mohr commented 4 months ago

Note: The changes were made by @eddiechoi00, I just created the PR for his branch!

The following changes were reported:




Property Name Type Description
ml:creation_method string REQUIRED. how the label was created e.g. field walk, image-annotated, ML generated
ml:creation_method_detail string additional details about the creation method, including potentially a link to the algorithm
ml:boundary_type string REQUIRED. whether the boundary is for a field, ownership parcel, hedge, or other boundary
ml:creation_date datetime REQUIRED.[Auto-added] Date collection was created or published
ml:verified_until datetime REQUIRED. the last date for which the boundary is verified to be present on ground (e.g., through ground-truth or remote sensing image verification)
ml:quality string REQUIRED. the level of quality control applied to this polygon
ml:confidence float a value between zero and one that represents the confidence in a generated polygon (higher value = higher confidence)
ml:machine_generated boolean REQUIRED. Indication of machine-generated boundaries or not
ml:admin0 string REQUIRED. [Auto-added] a unique admin0 (country) name for the administrative region that contains the field - can auto-generate from GADM boundaries
ml:crop_type string the type of crop e.g. maize
ml:crop_category string REQUIRED. high-level crop category e.g. cereal (e.g. FAO)
m-mohr commented 4 months ago

I'm trying to figure out why the CI fails, stay tuned ;-)

eddiechoi00 commented 4 months ago

The only thing I still have questions about is the removal of the verified_until property. Why have a start date but not an end date?

@hannah-rae I removed verified_until because I thought it was redundant with determination_datetime of the core schema. Please let me know if you think otherwise.

m-mohr commented 4 months ago

determination_datetime is indeed equal to ml:verified_until. Ideally, ml:verified_from would (later) move into the timestamps extension.

What we should probably do here is to also require fields from the core specification and explain how they relate to the ml: fields.

For example ml:creation_method maps to detemination_methods (and should be required if this extension is used?) And ml:verified_until maps to determination_datetime (and should also be required if this extension is used?) etc.

eddiechoi00 commented 4 months ago

@m-mohr I do like that idea, although I don't have enough knowledge about schemas to know how to link that – if we do decide on doing so, would you be able to make that change?

m-mohr commented 4 months ago

CI works again, I had to regenerate the GeoParquet after requiring the two determination_* fields.

Does this make it clearer @hannah-rae ?

m-mohr commented 4 months ago

@eddiechoi00 One last question: Is ml:creation_date different per Feature or is this a collection-level property that has a single value for all Features? If the latter is true, we should make it a Collection Property.