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Tutorial: Improve tippecanoe command for PMTiles #37

Open m-mohr opened 2 months ago

m-mohr commented 2 months ago

e.g. don't include properties on higher zoom levels

m-mohr commented 1 month ago

I can't find a command to exclude properties only at higher zoom levels. Also, I tried to create a command to make the PMTiles better, but I'm running into "segmentation faults", which I can't seem to solve. Example: tippecanoe geo.json -zg -s EPSG:4326 -o data/at.pmtiles -l at --coalesce-densest-as-needed --coalesce-smallest-as-needed -y id -y area -y perimeter -y collection -y determination_method -y determination_datetime --accumulate-attribute='{"area":"sum","perimeter":"sum","collection":"comma","determination_method":"comma","determination_datetime":"comma"}' --simplification=10 --simplify-only-low-zooms --order-largest-first