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Migrations cleanup, submit_story bug fix, Notes module #31

Closed stitzelj closed 7 years ago

stitzelj commented 7 years ago

The Notes module will require a ./ makemigrations notes then ./ migrate notes to update the database. Also, add notes to the INSTALLED_APPS section of the file. Everything else should be ready to run straight out of the box.

HSAR commented 7 years ago

Am I missing the bit where a story is only hidden if it's mature?

Also, I think this Pull Request is trying to do too much. Just like commits but to a lesser extent (since PRs usually consist of a few commits anyway), PRs should generally have one well-defined purpose. I see 19 commits attached here, which is a lot.

stitzelj commented 7 years ago

It's under the minor fix commit. I realized after the fact that I pulled the conditional code out and shouldn't have.

I'm open to suggestions as to how to keep Pull Requests more efficient. I don't like leaving commits just on my local machine in the event something goes wrong, but every commit I push to my repo also gets added to the current open PR.

HSAR commented 7 years ago

Not strictly relevant to the PR, so I'll take it offline.

stitzelj commented 7 years ago

Just to make this PR one commit messier, I stumbled across a couple of minor bugs (nothing that breaks anything) last night while writing a story. I've patched those for this PR.

And I promise I won't add anything else to this Pull Request. :)

stitzelj commented 7 years ago

I lied. I found another bug with the challenge.ended function in the Challenge model. Kinda noticed it when my challenge failed to close properly when the calendar rolled over to today.

stitzelj commented 7 years ago

Yeah, I switched to that method with one of my recent branches once I figured out that was the preferred method. I think all my working files now use spaces instead of tabs.

ethel-t-frog commented 7 years ago


I'm really trying to get this branch merged over the next day or so. Scouts tonight...

stitzelj commented 7 years ago

That'd be sweet if you can manage it. The PR I'll send you next is basically the visual update to everything on the site, so it should be easier to merge than the current PR.

ethel-t-frog commented 7 years ago

When the notes count is zero, could you remove the big red highlight, please?

stitzelj commented 7 years ago

Yup, that change makes sense. Just added the commit to the PR.

ethel-t-frog commented 7 years ago


stitzelj commented 7 years ago

Another option would be to make the bubble a darkish grey if the count is zero, too. I'm fine with it either way.

ethel-t-frog commented 7 years ago

Either works for me

ethel-t-frog commented 7 years ago

Tweaked and merged.

ethel-t-frog commented 7 years ago

Oops: missed your latest push...

stitzelj commented 7 years ago

I don't think so. I was just bringing my master up to sync with yours.

ethel-t-frog commented 7 years ago

Fixed now.

stitzelj commented 7 years ago

Just making sure I'm not missing anything and that this PR hasn't been pushed to prod yet. I'm guessing you're waiting to have a little time to open that particular can of worms? :)

ethel-t-frog commented 7 years ago

It's not in yet. The server fun-and-games today somewhat got in the way of that. With any luck, I'll push to the server tonight.

stitzelj commented 7 years ago

Kinda what I thought. I just wanted to make sure. Server was definitely up and down a bit this morning, but it seems to be stable now from what I can tell.

ethel-t-frog commented 7 years ago

Yeah, they had all sorts of joy involving virtual machines failing in the middle of a database update and the dodgy data being propagated to other systems and DNS going bang and all sorts. My friend Rob was hitting it with hammers for hours this morning, but he assures me that it's back up now.

stitzelj commented 7 years ago

Oh, the joys of being a sysadmin.

ethel-t-frog commented 7 years ago


stitzelj commented 7 years ago

Looks like you forgot to push the updated stylesheet out to prod again. The Notes area looks way wonkier than it ought.

ethel-t-frog commented 7 years ago

I really need to write myself a checklist...

ethel-t-frog commented 7 years ago

is that better now?

stitzelj commented 7 years ago

lol, that's much better. Thanks s'much. :)