ficool2 / HammerPlusPlus-Issue-Tracker

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[TF2, 8861] [Update] Random access violation crash #337

Open CopCorvette opened 2 years ago

CopCorvette commented 2 years ago

I have a map of mine that i lost the vmf after i formated my pc and i decided to decompile the map to continue the work i was doing before and i got Access Violation crashes while i'm moving, idle or doing something.

dump file:

CopCorvette commented 2 years ago

[Update] I got a memory error crash while idle or doing something is the second time i got this and theres no crash dump here image

Bilbard commented 2 years ago

Same issue here. I was in the middle of work, and upon randomly moving the camera I got the same error, with no logs. image

CopCorvette commented 2 years ago

[UPDATE] After wandering around checking for bugs or leaks using the newer version of H++ i got a random access violation crash for the 5th time after i installed the update Hammer crash

Crash dump