ficool2 / HammerPlusPlus-Issue-Tracker

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[Bug, 8860, CS:GO*] Crash When Transcluding an Instance #341

Open Kestrelguy opened 2 years ago

Kestrelguy commented 2 years ago

but like not instances in general, just a specific one. stair_white_wide_128.vmf seems like it should be fine. I can open it and mess around with it without problems. but when I try to include it in stairs_white_128.vmf, it causes a crash. attached are all the instances involved, as well as the crash dump. I was using the CS:GO version of H++ to edit Portal 2, so that may have caused some problems. I haven't had any problems with any other instances, though—not even when "stacking" them. instance edit: got which one was being included backwards.