ficool2 / HammerPlusPlus-Issue-Tracker

Bug and feature request tracker for Hammer++
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[Feature Request] Add Dark Mode to Hammer++ #343

Closed EuroSzymon closed 1 year ago

EuroSzymon commented 2 years ago

Please add the possibility of setting the dark UI for comfortable night work and for the user's personal preference to appearance, because not everyone prefers to the standard light hammer mode so in Hammer++ add Dark mode.

thetomix7 commented 2 years ago

Yeah, a dark mode would be great it's kind of a hassle to get custom windows themes working.

WormSlayer commented 1 year ago


TheBlokker commented 1 year ago


ghost commented 1 year ago

I'm pretty sure Hammer++ and Hammer uses the default windows UI library that's used for every application. This isn't possible without theme patching Windows as far as I know

Though, I'm pretty sure the website mentioned dark mode at some point, I tried looking in the options and didn't find any, so I assume ficool just meant that it supports theme patching