ficool2 / HammerPlusPlus-Issue-Tracker

Bug and feature request tracker for Hammer++
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[Bug - TF2 - 8860 - Linux] EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION when accessing the Tools->Options menu #351

Open rsedxcftvgyhbujnkiqwe opened 2 years ago

rsedxcftvgyhbujnkiqwe commented 2 years ago

Other menus seem to work just fine, only this menu seems to have an issue. Attempting to click the menu to access it will instantly crash the program. I have confirmed this is a H++ issue, as it does not occur when launching base hammer.

I know this program was not intended for linux (I run h++ through proton) however I was hoping for some insight on the mdmp file that gets created in case there have been similar issues. This is one of the last things necessary to get it working nearly 100% on linux.