ficool2 / HammerPlusPlus-Issue-Tracker

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Suggestion: Easy to use UI #352

Open jafwefjauwhf opened 2 years ago

jafwefjauwhf commented 2 years ago

One of my main problems with Hammer is the weird, hard to use, and old UI. I just think it should have a UI Revamp like blender did a couple years ago for 2.8. Thank you!

MARK2580 commented 2 years ago

This interface has been used since the days of hl1 and for some reason it triples everything. The maximum that the author of h ++ will do is a dark interface, but some other manipulations with the interface require a complete rewrite of the program.

xDShot commented 2 years ago


Exactly designed for mapping purposes. Back in Quake times when it was called Worldcraft it was considered a simplest compared to radiant and others

hard to use


UI Revamp like blender did a couple years ago for 2.8

They did not change anything drastically image

xDShot commented 2 years ago

Anyway you might consider Trenchbroom, it provides creativity freedom for brush geometry.

It doesn't support Source so you gotta somehow export .map to Hammer. And since Source mapping is about relying on mostly static prop models placement and Source specific features it not gonna replace Hammer totally.

MARK2580 commented 2 years ago

@jafwefjauwhf Ask Sam to go back to developing his hammer 1.5 🤣

Gravy59 commented 2 years ago

If anything DPI scaling would be nice, but I was able to fix that with compatibility settings