ficool2 / HammerPlusPlus-Issue-Tracker

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[Bug] 8861 - Entity class changing after copying outputs #360

Closed Moltard closed 2 years ago

Moltard commented 2 years ago

New post about the issue, which didnt get totally fixed in 8861

See for the issue description in 8860

I found one exact method to break entities

It's very dangerous, as it involve unselecting entities while in the input tab (or output,visgroup,flag), and selecting them again. Which you can do without really noticing

How to break classname in Hammer++

What you need: A entity_2 that has an output targeting entity_1 The entity_x can be any entity in your map. It doesnt matter

Step 01: Select entity_x Step 02: Go in the entity_x input tab Step 03: Unselect the entity_x (click in the void in the 3D View or 2D View) Step 04: Select the entity_1 (you are in the "Input" tab) Step 05: Double click on the source input, to go to entity_2 Step 06: You are now in entity_2 "Output" tab Step 07: Go to the "Class Info" tab Step 08: Go back to the "Output" tab Step 09: /!\__ Here you can double click literally any of the output available on entity_2 , to go to the entity targeted Step 10: You are now on the entity that was targetted by the output Step 11: Go to the "Class Info" tab Step 12: /!\__ The entity you are on is starting to break and is becoming of the type of entity_2

Note: the initial entity used in the step 1 to 3 could be any entity in your map, what matters is that you unselected an entity while the input tab was open

Here a video

Step 01-03 are the most important one. And it doesnt only work with input tab, it work on outputs, flags and probably visgroup. It seems safe if you unselect the entity when in class info.

ficool2 commented 2 years ago

Fixed in 8862