ficool2 / HammerPlusPlus-Issue-Tracker

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[weird bug] Hammer++ just won't open #371

Open makspribora opened 1 year ago

makspribora commented 1 year ago

Issue I was "cleaning" my pc just going through some files manually. After I decided to go into hammer++, but it wouldn't open. In the bin folder after every attempt to run hammer there was a dump file. This could be attributed to a "cleaning" PC, but the files associated with Source SDK 2013 mp I have not touched or changed in any way. (I think it's because of this, but I can't figure out how yet).

How I tried to fix it

  1. restarted the pc.
  2. I reinstalled Hammer++
  3. verify integrity of Source SDK 2013 MP files

None of these helped

How I fixed it I was advised to adjust compatibility in the properties of hammerplusplus.exe. Yes, it runs and everything works fine, BUT I still find it strange that it doesn't work the way it did before the "cleaning".

Some details Hammer++ for Source SDK 2013 Multiplayer and configured for gmod dump file


If you make a joke about one of the disks being called "Z," I will be furious. I'm just too lazy to rename the disks.