ficool2 / HammerPlusPlus-Issue-Tracker

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[Feature Request] Add in-editor nodegraph editing to the Source 2013 Singleplayer Build. #401

Open DrEngineer1 opened 1 year ago

DrEngineer1 commented 1 year ago

Since the map_edit command is disabled because we already have physics objects settling in the editor. Why not do in-editor nodegraph editing as well for the singleplayer build. Maybe multiplayer as well since GMod uses both the nav mesh and nodegraphs for NPCs and nextbot entities. Could simply be a tool where once selected, brings up a menu for what the current node type is and allows you to preview the different hull sizes. This also allows you to properly place nodes on stuff like stairs and switch between the different types. i wouldn't recommend having an option to define what hint nodes you want to use since that could be monotonous having to switch between different hint types. If having an entirely new tool doesn't work, you can have a toggle that makes the nodegraph visible or not. Preferably off by default of course.