ficool2 / HammerPlusPlus-Issue-Tracker

Bug and feature request tracker for Hammer++
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[Error][BUILD 8865]Hammer++ cannot save more than 260 characters in the parameters. #421

Closed Unusuario2 closed 1 month ago

Unusuario2 commented 1 month ago

In the parameters box hammer++ cannot save more than 260 characters image the command line: -threads 16 -ambientocclusion -aoscale 1.5 -bounce 320 -final -smooth 45 -StaticPropLighting -TextureShadows -extrasky 128 -both -LargeDispSampleRadius -maxdispsamplesize 256 -softsun 0 -chop 2 -maxchop 2 -lights "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\mapsrc\gm_boreal\gm_boreal.temp.rad" -game $gamedir $path\$file The video: