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[BUG] FGD: @ExtendClass doesn't append keyvalues #424

Open LambdaHidden opened 3 months ago

LambdaHidden commented 3 months ago

It says in hammerplusplus_fgd.fgd that @ExtendClass can append helpers and keyvalues to a target class, but only helpers work correctly. Trying to add a keyvalue will add a blank one with an angle selector.


@ExtendClass = func_illusionary : ""
    Property_name_2(integer)    : "Example Interger Name"   : 15        : "Keyvalue Description"

Will look lilke this in the Object Properties window: image

Whereas if i create an entity that has this keyvalue natively, it works fine:

@PointClass base(Targetname, Origin, Angles) = test_fgdtester : "Made to test ExtendClass."
    Property_name_2(integer)    : "Example Interger Name"   : 15        : "Keyvalue Description"
