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Exception Accses Violation issues #44

Open OHZOGNO opened 1 year ago

OHZOGNO commented 1 year ago

This has been a running issue for the past several months. Hammer++ will crash when the camera in 3d view is moved around seemingly at random. Cordoning off the map into very small sections seems to prevent this from occurring but it is not a surefire fix. Heres what I could pull from the MDMP

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.25200.1003 X86 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Loading Dump File [D:\Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer\bin\hammerplusplus_20221019_121528_1.mdmp] User Mini Dump File: Only registers, stack and portions of memory are available

Symbol search path is: srv* Executable search path is: Windows 10 Version 19043 MP (16 procs) Free x86 compatible Product: WinNt, suite: SingleUserTS Personal Edition build lab: 19041.1.amd64fre.vb_release.191206-1406 Machine Name: Debug session time: Wed Oct 19 12:15:28.000 2022 (UTC - 4:00) System Uptime: not available Process Uptime: 0 days 0:08:53.000 ................................................................ ................................................................ ................................................................ ...... This dump file has an exception of interest stored in it. The stored exception information can be accessed via .ecxr. (21e8.5798): Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) For analysis of this file, run !analyze -v eax=00000000 ebx=00a22e00 ecx=00000000 edx=00000000 esi=00a22db0 edi=00a22dc0 eip=770a3a1c esp=2909e218 ebp=2909e224 iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na pe nc cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00000206 ntdll!NtGetContextThread+0xc: 770a3a1c c20800 ret 8 0:049> !analyze -v


Key  : AV.Fault
Value: Write

Key  : Analysis.CPU.mSec
Value: 1452

Key  : Analysis.DebugAnalysisManager
Value: Create

Key  : Analysis.Elapsed.mSec
Value: 51004

Key  : Analysis.IO.Other.Mb
Value: 41

Key  : Analysis.IO.Read.Mb
Value: 0

Key  : Analysis.IO.Write.Mb
Value: 51

Key  : Analysis.Init.CPU.mSec
Value: 640

Key  : Analysis.Init.Elapsed.mSec
Value: 32482

Key  : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb
Value: 89

Key  : Timeline.Process.Start.DeltaSec
Value: 533

Key  : WER.OS.Branch
Value: vb_release

Key  : WER.OS.Timestamp
Value: 2019-12-06T14:06:00Z

Key  : WER.OS.Version
Value: 10.0.19041.1

FILE_IN_CAB: hammerplusplus_20221019_121528_1.mdmp

CONTEXT: (.ecxr) eax=2235fffc ebx=ffffffff ecx=2235fff4 edx=000000b4 esi=37723cd0 edi=00000000 eip=101bb92e esp=0019f97c ebp=0019fc1c iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na po nc cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00010202 hammerplusplus_dll+0x1bb92e: 101bb92e c7400400000000 mov dword ptr [eax+4],0 ds:002b:22360000=???????? Resetting default scope

EXCEPTION_RECORD: (.exr -1) ExceptionAddress: 101bb92e (hammerplusplus_dll+0x001bb92e) ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation) ExceptionFlags: 00000000 NumberParameters: 2 Parameter[0]: 00000001 Parameter[1]: 22360000 Attempt to write to address 22360000

PROCESS_NAME: hammerplusplus.exe


ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - The instruction at 0x%p referenced memory at 0x%p. The memory could not be %s.




WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong. 0019fc1c 101c3cad 3f7e8670 000000b4 00000000 hammerplusplus_dll+0x1bb92e 0019fc54 101c2e72 3f7e8670 00000012 3f7e8600 hammerplusplus_dll+0x1c3cad 0019fc8c 101e4d9b 3f7e8600 3f7e8670 0019fdb4 hammerplusplus_dll+0x1c2e72 0019fcb8 10109368 3f7e8670 00000000 3f7e8670 hammerplusplus_dll+0x1e4d9b 0019fdcc 1010468f 35307568 3dd66098 00243000 hammerplusplus_dll+0x109368 0019fe18 100e44fa 3dd66098 100d5da0 35307568 hammerplusplus_dll+0x10468f 0019fe38 100983db 1092ca5c 00243001 10098879 hammerplusplus_dll+0xe44fa 0019fe74 1009643e 1092c990 0042fc88 0019feb8 hammerplusplus_dll+0x983db 0019fe84 675a8eb9 0019fef0 675a8c95 0042cc68 hammerplusplus_dll+0x9643e 0019feb8 675a90c5 0019fec4 00000003 10096430 tier0!CVProfNode::GetPrevLoadHitStoreLessChildren+0x829 0019fedc 1009627e 10096430 0019fef0 00000001 tier0!CatchAndWriteMiniDumpForVoidPtrFn+0x45 0019fefc 00403b7c 0042fc88 00000000 004024b9 hammerplusplus_dll+0x9627e 0019ff24 0040a348 00400000 00000000 004e37c5 hammerplusplus+0x3b7c 0019ff70 75f7fa29 00243000 75f7fa10 0019ffdc hammerplusplus!CreateInterface+0x3e48 0019ff80 77097bbe 00243000 91156186 00000000 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x19 0019ffdc 77097b8e ffffffff 770b8d23 00000000 ntdll!__RtlUserThreadStart+0x2f 0019ffec 00000000 0040a3ba 00243000 00000000 ntdll!_RtlUserThreadStart+0x1b

SYMBOL_NAME: hammerplusplus_dll+1bb92e

MODULE_NAME: hammerplusplus_dll

IMAGE_NAME: hammerplusplus_dll.dll

STACK_COMMAND: ~49s; .ecxr ; kb

FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: INVALID_POINTER_WRITE_c0000005_hammerplusplus_dll.dll!Unknown

OS_VERSION: 10.0.19041.1

BUILDLAB_STR: vb_release


OSNAME: Windows 10


FAILURE_ID_HASH: {17463eda-9133-d9a3-de3b-e5d58941185b}

Followup: MachineOwner