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Research on necessary endpoints for Queue task #131

Open hoshion opened 8 months ago

hoshion commented 8 months ago

The task is to evaluate the task from the semester plan:


What it means?

The group should be able to create queues for their disciplines. For example:

What the functionality should this queues have?

  1. Create queue (queue can have a name, max capability), command
  2. Groupmember can join the queue in the end, command. If queue has no space (maximum capability is reached), show reject message
  3. Groupmember can leave the queue, command
  4. Groupmember can be thrown back on 5 positions (only for captains), command
  5. Groupmember can be deleted from queue (only for captains), command
  6. Edit queue (change name and max capability)
  7. Delete queue
  8. Show the queue (name and the list of tags (should not tag people)), command
  9. Queue also need to have some message, that will be edited constatly whenever new person joins or leaves queue. This feature is really useful when captain can pin this message and spectate the process of laboratory defensing (as example)

The task is to say what endpoints and tables in database should back-end have. It must be fully described with essential requests, responses, fields, queries, data types, etc.