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Comments: Jekyll - Setup Paginate V2 plugin #26

Open fictionbecomesfact opened 2 years ago

fictionbecomesfact commented 2 years ago

Comments for Jekyll - Setup Paginate V2 plugin

fidelnamisi commented 2 years ago

Thanks for this tutorial. I've managed to get everything working except the generated tag pages. The error that I get is: [2022-01-29 21:17:12] ERROR `/tag/cloudflare' not found.

[2022-01-29 21:17:13] ERROR `/tag/cloudflare' not found.

I've used the code you provided in your tutorial for my _config.yml file. Then I also tried using the code on the Github repo for Paginate-v2 Autopages. Still got the same error. What could I be missing?

PS: I've noticed that with Jekyll installed, you can see from terminal what Jekyll is doing without having to install Docker. With these instructions below from the Jekyll site, it seems Jekyll runs as a container on the local machine:

  jekyll new my-awesome-site

  cd my-awesome-site

  bundle exec jekyll serve```

# => Now browse to http://localhost:4000
fictionbecomesfact commented 2 years ago

Nicely solved with the Jekyll installation! Just to be sure, is the cloudflare tag correctly placed in the front matter of a (test) markdown note? Example:

title: Cloudflare - Setup www DNS Record and Redirect
layout: note
date: 2021-11-15
tags: cloudflare
permalink: /cloudflare-dns-www
published: true

In the _config.yml you should have the autopages configuration:

   enabled: true
     title: 'Posts in category :cat'
     title: 'Posts tagged with :tag'
     title: 'Posts in collection :coll'

Make sure the yaml code is correct, it comes very precise with spaces and such. That might also cause errors. And finally autopage_tags.html must exist in the _layouts directory. These are the things I would check first.

fidelnamisi commented 2 years ago

I tried all the above, with no luck! could the error lie in an updated version of Jekyll? This was a post install message when I was installing a different Digital Garden theme (after 48 hours of trying, I decided to let the Maxime Villaincourt one go and try another template and instructions). Anyway, here's the message in case it's pointing to something that needs to updated on the various templates and repos:

Post-install message from jekyll:

Jekyll 4.0 comes with some major changes, notably:

fictionbecomesfact commented 2 years ago

Well that's a good question. But that's probably not the problem either, since I'm running Jekyll v4.2.0 (via Docker) myself and it works without any problems. You may be able to find some more information at the issues of the paginate v2 plugin. Furthermore, the error is specifically about that one tag cloudflare. It's just an idea but maybe you can try out what happens when you use a brand new tag. So create a new note with the new tag in the front matter and add the code in two places within index.html. Perhaps you can then deduce from the error message where exactly it goes wrong. Although this problem is tricky to solve I have a feeling it could be something simple, but maybe i'm wrong... :)