fiddyschmitt / SimpleKVM

Use multiple computers using one set of monitors, mouse and keyboard
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Question: Handling starting on windows start #3

Closed JakeAlmer closed 1 year ago

JakeAlmer commented 2 years ago

First thanks for a great utility, its worked great for me and let me finally get rid of that old hardware KVM that never worked great.

Just curious if your doing anything to make sure SimpleKVM starts on boot and if so what method are you using?

Thanks, Jake

fiddyschmitt commented 2 years ago

Thanks Jakes, so happy you've found it of use :)

To run at boot, I recommend this:

  1. Open the run window, using win + r
  2. Open the startup folder by typing: shell:startup
  3. Paste a shortcut to SimpleKVM.exe into that folder
  4. Open the properties for the shortcut, and select Run: Minimized

Cheers, Fidel

JakeAlmer commented 2 years ago

I'm assuming that only starts once you login? Does that mean your manually toggling you inputs at the windows login screen if you monitor is switch to the other computer during start up?

Not a big deal just wondering if I'm missing something.

fiddyschmitt commented 2 years ago

Hi Jake,

Yes the above will only run the program when you log in (requiring manual toggling when at the windows login screen).

I tried just now to run it as a Service, as well as using the Task Scheduler 'at system startup'. However in both cases it didn't respond to hotkey nor USB events.

I'll keep this issue open, as it would be nice to use the program even at the login screen.

Cheers, Fidel

JakeAlmer commented 2 years ago

Cool that's what I found with task scheduler also. Thanks for confirming I wasn't missing anything obvious, I'll let you know if find a good solution.

fiddyschmitt commented 2 years ago

Thanks Jake :)

neon-dev commented 1 year ago

Hi @fiddyschmitt, thanks for this nice tool. I wanted to suggest adding the tip to run it minimized on startup to the readme, since that's what most people will want to do.

Also maybe you want to add this switch for two computers (Germany / US) as an alternative, because it has a special feature I could not find anywhere else (and it's USB 3.0). Contrary to the product description, it automatically switches sources if one disconnects or connects. So when shutting down or unplugging one computer, it will switch to the other one if it's connected and running. The same goes for a computer that is connected and booting or just plugged in. It also has a metal case so it could be easily mounted under the desk via magnets. The only thing it lacks is the hotkey feature of your suggested switch.

fiddyschmitt commented 1 year ago

Hi @neon-dev, I'm so happy you found it useful.

Thanks for the recommendations! I've mentioned your USB switch in the readme, as well as added instructions for running at startup :)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
