fidele007 / Asus-ROG-GL552VW-Hackintosh

Guide to hackintoshing the ASUS ROG GL552VW
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Touchpad doesn't work #7

Closed Kl4tch closed 5 years ago

Kl4tch commented 5 years ago

Hi, I'm new user of Hackintosh. Thanks for this great work, but my system doesn't boot with VoodooI2C.kext.

So, if I exclude VoodooI2C.kext - everything is OK, but touchpad doesn't work

Can you help me please, how can I fix it?

When I boot with your CLOVER without changes: image

TouchPad in IOService (if I doesn't use DSDT.aml patch) : 2019-02-24 14 40 05

How does it recognize in Win: image

baobaoit commented 5 years ago

Did you use I2C and I2CELAN? Did you patched your dsdt? If you use the dsdt of this repo, then you need to setup your bios like the requirements in Wiki page.

baobaoit commented 5 years ago

And you need these patches in config - kext to patch

                <string>Prevent Apple I2C kexts from attaching to I2C controllers, credit CoolStar</string>
                <string>Prevent Apple I2C kexts from attaching to I2C controllers, credit CoolStar</string>
Kl4tch commented 5 years ago

And you need these patches in config - kext to patch

              <string>Prevent Apple I2C kexts from attaching to I2C controllers, credit CoolStar</string>
              <string>Prevent Apple I2C kexts from attaching to I2C controllers, credit CoolStar</string>

Thanks for fast reply and helping

All folder CLOVER I use from this rep, without any changes. I add your patches but it still doesn't work (panic still, again with VoodooGPIO.kext ). What should I do?

BIOS is seted as in rep.

baobaoit commented 5 years ago

Did you use branch mojave? I think you should re-extract your dsdt then you patch it by yourself.

Kl4tch commented 5 years ago

I use mojave branch. Thanks for helping. Yes, you was right, patches in config (kext to patch) helped me and system boot successful, but touchpad doesn't work still. I used your guide to rbc33 (LE folders + 3 commands) but still it doesn't work. I get clean DSDT, but it have some errors: image Can you help me with this?

So, now I have all folder CLOVER from this rep + 2 your kexts patches. Only touchpad and Mic doesn't work (I saw separate guide with Mic, but Touchpad is must have now, I try run it 2 days). These files I get from CLOVER:

rbc33 commented 5 years ago

Try to use the clover folder with the dsdt that @baobaoit patched for me? And don't forget to change the dvmt at bios, then install all the kext

baobaoit commented 5 years ago

Here is your DSDT that I had patched - except Disabling discrete graphics card. You need to put this file in your /EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/patched/ then shutdown and turn on again.

baobaoit commented 5 years ago

I forgotten to told with you about these thing in the last commented. That is you should use Terminal for copy those kexts - not using your Command (Alt) + C then Command + V to your LE or using Right click then Copy and Paste. These lines is for copy kext(s) to your LE. sudo cp -R <you can drag your kext(s) to Terminal> /Library/Extensions Or you can read this article:

Kl4tch commented 5 years ago

image Thanks, man. Works great with your DSDT.

Fabio24Silva commented 5 years ago

Hi guys, I'm with the same problem as Author, I'm quite new on this, and finally were able to install macOS, my problem is that I didn't understand what the author did to boot with the VoodooI2C.kext even before he installed the DSDT from @baobaoit. I only have my clover on EFI folder just like this repo, nothing more, still don't get what I need to do to patch some kext and from the link @baobaoit shared it looks like the kexts should be in /Library/Extensions but what kexts? Every kext from this repo should be there? And on clover it should be empty? I know maybe some of those question are a bit stupid but I would appreciate some help. Thanks in advance!

baobaoit commented 5 years ago

All the kexts that necessary for you. For me is all kexts except kexts of Brcm because I didn’t have replacement wifi card.

Fabio24Silva commented 5 years ago

I have all the kexts on clover, but right now I can only boot if I remove VoodooI2C.kext from Clover, what should I do to correct this? Should I add some patch that is not on this repo? If so, how can I add the patch? Via clover? Sorry for making so many question, it's my first time doing this.

baobaoit commented 5 years ago

Try this in Kext and kernel patch > KextToPatch

Fabio24Silva commented 5 years ago

captura de ecra 2019-03-05 as 01 14 24

Well, I think I've patched it as it should be, I patched the file config.plist on editor, added again VoodooI2C.kext but I get the error again, I even added your DSDT to ACPI/patched on clover but it doesn't boot, any idea?

baobaoit commented 5 years ago

I think you should try to delete the DSDT in ACPI/patched. If it can boot, you can post your origin ACPI for me, I will patch it on my free time.

Fabio24Silva commented 5 years ago

Well it is now booting but deleting DSDT was not enough, I had to delete every file on ACPI/patched to get it too boot

baobaoit commented 5 years ago

Ok so when you boot to clover-manager-boot-screen. Press the F4 button. Then boot to your mac. And upload your origin via drag it to the comment-text-box.

Fabio24Silva commented 5 years ago

Here they are, thanks for your help!

baobaoit commented 5 years ago

This is for you @Fabio24Silva - like another, I didn't patch Disabling discrete graphics card.

Fabio24Silva commented 5 years ago

Man i really appreciate your help, it's now working! Thanks man!! Just one more question, I will now install kexts on /Library/Extensions, should I leave them too on Clover or I delete them from clover and install them all on /Library/Extensions ?

baobaoit commented 5 years ago

Nice to hear your good news.

First, you need to read again my comment above here

The finally, you should install kexts on /Library/Extensions, all your kexts but except kexts about Brmc, if you don’t replacement your wifi card. Then you can leave those kexts on Clover, do not need to delete them.

Fabio24Silva commented 5 years ago

Yes I've done it already, mouse is working but two buttons or right click option don't do anything, scroll and left button work well, is it supposed to be like this? And keyboard light is working well but I can't control luminosity with the fn option, is it normal too?

baobaoit commented 5 years ago

About the mouse, you can try any settings on settings > trackpad. I still can control the keyboard backlight with the fn like Windows. It has 4-levels about backlight.

Fabio24Silva commented 5 years ago

Yeah i've got the mouse working now, one strange thing that is not such a big deal is that I can't select files with the touchpad like I left click but the mouse freezes, and yes the keyboard works well with me too. I was talking about the fn + brightness +/- on the screen. That one isn't working with me

baobaoit commented 5 years ago

Great to hear. But I think that I can’t help you the other problems. With me, it’s working flawlessly. You can try to shut down and turn on again. And about the screen brightness you need to put back the SSDT to the patched folder. Then check the config.plist is have it on ordered list at the bottom right. You click + and filled those name. There are 2 SSDT on this repo.

Fabio24Silva commented 5 years ago

Well I have the mouse working fine now, but the brightness keeps not working, I've the 2 SSDT working on the clover, can you please explain me how config.plist should be for this to work? My patches: captura de ecra 2019-03-05 as 12 27 13 captura de ecra 2019-03-05 as 12 27 29

baobaoit commented 5 years ago

You can send me your CLOVER folder. I will check it for you.

Fabio24Silva commented 5 years ago I would really appreciate, thanks!

baobaoit commented 5 years ago Here you are!

Fabio24Silva commented 5 years ago

Thanks man, but I tried it right now and it is still with the same problem, all the keys work well even keyboard backlight but screen brightness doesn't work

baobaoit commented 5 years ago

You can go to the Tonymacx86 forum. I don’t know what to help you now. I had did all I knew.

Fabio24Silva commented 5 years ago

Man, I just changed the keys for birghtness and it works so no big deal. Thanks man for all your help, my hackintosh is working pretty well!

baobaoit commented 5 years ago

You are welcome!